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(I'm back..
Anybody miss me?

Sorry for the delay 😅)

"I am Beam Baramee, High Warlock of Bangkok..These are my best friends-Kittinan Intochar and Mingkwan Daichapanya", Beam said pointing to his fellow Downworlders who nodded in response.

"You can call me Kit.. I am a Warlock doctor", Kit said, flashing his adorable dimples.

"How about you P' ? What kind of Downworlder are you?", Lydia questioned Ming who seemed lost his thoughts.

"Huh..Oh, I am a vampire.."

"Really! That's so cool..Okay now, my turn- Hi everyone, I am Lydia Branwell, a Shadowhunter as you can see, and this is my childhood friend and the patient's Parabatai Forth Jaturapoom. Said patient is my best friend and his name is Phana Kongthanin. Speaking about did he get here?"

"Well that's what I want to know too, Ai'Ming. Mind telling us what happened", Kit asked his best friend, one of his brows raised to the side suggestively.

Ming told them about the attack and how Phana had gotten injured.

"This is why I always tell him to take me with him on his missions.. He doesn't know how to watch his back..", Forth sighed with a look of regret on his face.

"It's not your fault, Ai'Forth.. We both know how stubborn he is.. He will rather get hurt than put any of us in danger..", Lydia tried to calm her friend down by caressing his back soothingly.

"Don't worry Nong Forth. Your Parabatai will be fit as a fiddle ..", Beam really wanted to hold Forth's hand and comfort him but he restrained himself.

"Of course he will..Look who treated him", Kit said rather cheekily to lighten the mood. Lydia chuckled at that while Forth gave a soft smile. Beam smacked Kit on the head.
"I was there too, Ai'Shorty."
"I know, Ai'Fool..That is why I said he'll be fine".

Kit tried to smack Beam back but failed to do so.

"I really hope so..", Ming whispered to himself, looking wistfully towards the room where Phana was resting.  Kit, who sat right next to him, had noticed all this. He could almost see where this was going but questioning this best friend could wait for later. Right now, talking to the other one was more important.

"I'll take my leave. I leave my patient in your care, Ai'Beam. Just call me if you need help. You know I am just a portal away..", Kit gestured his best friend with his eyes.

Beam caught the hint and stood up.
" Excuse me, I'll just escort this Shorty out."

"Hey!! Who are you calling Shorty, I am almost as tall as you!", Kit glared hard at Beam who completely ignored his whines and moved out of the door.

Once they were both out the door, Kit confronted his best friend.

"Ai'Beam, this is getting more dangerous.. Shadowhunters are being involved now..What will we do if our plans fail??"

"I know, Ai'Kit, I know..The risks are increasing but we have to find a way through this.. Our plans can't fail.."

A portal opened in Beam's driveway at that moment and two women stepped out.

A portal opened in Beam's driveway at that moment and two women stepped out

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Before Beam could say anything, the lady in front stopped him by raising her hand

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Before Beam could say anything, the lady in front stopped him by raising her hand.

"Mr. Baramee, if you don't mind, I would like to see my son. Now.", Maryse Jaturapoom said in such a demanding tone that Beam almost flinched.

"Right this way, Mam", Beam opened the door and motioned her to get in.
Maryse entered the house. Anna followed close behind her, giving an apologetic smile to Beam.

"We will discuss more later, Ai'Kit", Beam dismissed his friend who had already created a portal.

"See you soon Ai'Beam", Kit bade his goodbye.

'Hopefully not too soon' Beam thought to himself before going in, closing the door behind him.

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