'...don't die on me'

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"Hey Shorty! Wake up!!"

"Go away, you Giant..Let... me... sleeeeep". Lydia tried to shoo Phana away with a pillow.

"Ai'Forth, Do you need something?"

"Oh! Ai'Forth..Good morn....", Lydia abruptly sat up on the bed, fixing her bed hair, only to find Phana laughing at her.

"Ha ha ha ha... You....ha...fell....for....that..Tsk..So ee...easy....", Phana panted while dodging the pillows thrown towards him.

"You GIANT....I HATE you!! Argh.."

"Hey! Calm down. What if Ai'Forth sees you like this..", he mocked her again.

"Ai'Pha~..Why do you do this?.. ", Lydia pouted.

"Don't act all cute. You know it won't work on me. Try it in front of Ai'Forth next time...Maybe it will reach inside that dense brain of his"

"Look who's talking..", Lydia mumbled under her breath.

"Hmm..Did you say something?"

"Nope..Now go away..I need to get ready for breakfast"

"For breakfast..or..... Ai'Forth..."

Lydia threw another pillow but it missed again as her giant of a best friend ran out of the room.

"P'..P'Ming....De..Demons.. Four..Fourth...St..Street.."

As soon as he heard this, Ming rushed towards the location. Demons were the worst of them all. Dead bodies dropped in dozens wherever they attacked. He needed to be there as soon as possible.

When he turned the corner of Fourth Street, he froze.

He could see a few Shadowhunters, fighting the demons, alongside some fighters of his own clan. Never in his life had he expected the Shadow World and the Downworld to work together. Maybe this time the threat was big enough to unite the two forces.

As he was lost in his own thoughts, he felt a sudden push, causing him to fall on the ground as a wave of dark magic (demon magic) barely missed him.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING STANDING LIKE THAT?", somebody was yelling at him..'Wait! I know that voice'. Before he could remember where he knew that voice from, he felt somebody pulling him up from the ground and then, he was looking straight into a pair of beautiful brown eyes..'Wait...beautiful..'

"HEY!! Quit daydreaming..", he heard that familiar voice again and then somebody slapped his cheeks..

"Ouch!....Oh shit! GET DOWN!!", Ming shouted as he ducked down to avoid the black ball coming straight at him.
As soon as he recovered, he was pinning down demons as he zoomed from one corner to another, forgetting about that voice and those eyes, momentarily.

All around him, he could see the monsters fall in a pool of Incur as Shadowhunters and vampires kept on fighting with all their might.

"HEY! PHANA...LOOK OUT", he heard somebody shout in the distance. He turned around to see a Shadowhunter hit in the back by black magic, a dagger in his hand, with the sliced throat of the demon in front of him.
The demon who had shot at him, lay dead, a few feet behind on the ground. A vampire standing panting above her kill.

Ming, oblivious to all the noise and commotion around him, rushed towards the Shadowhunter who was shot, picking him up bridal style and using his maximum speed, rushed out of the place.

Before he knew it, he was standing in front of Beam's door, frantically calling for his best friend to open up.

He looked towards the face which was turning pale in his arms..

".....Please.... don't die on me..", he pleaded under his breath.


(Author's note.: Forgive the fight scene..I am an amateur writer)

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