Chapter 4 - Real World is now a fantasy, so let the memes commence.

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(Somewhere in the grasslands, where the RDS spawned...)
RDS: Alright, warmed up now. Where'd we land?

Arc: The obligatory grassland beginner level. Do my 2D eyes deceive me or is that a fairy?

The fairy approaches the duo.

???: Hey, you two! Are you lost?
RDS: Nah, just exploring.
???: You don't look like you're from Ultora. Who exactly are you?
RDS: Well, I'm the RDS, a human from another planet, and that's the Arc, my third half.Who are you?
Lilina: I'm Lilina, just another earth fairy.

Who are you?Lilina: I'm Lilina, just another earth fairy

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(Lilina joined your party.)
[That's a suspicious looking hammer.]
Lilina: And why are you unarmed? Hostile entities appear here at night.
RDS: Uhhh... One sec.
[Check Inventory]
(Eternal Item Box)(Vector Bands)(Prism Hakkero)(Boundary Staff)(Hoverboard)

Arc: Good, no inventory wipe. But where did our yen go...

(Yen is not a valid currency in this world, so it is not shown.)

RDS: Invisible. Got it. Let's try no to use the Boundary Staff for now, don't know if it's breakable.

(Used Item Box)
(Received Tech Boots)
(Grants most units limited flight and a speed boost. It recharges while on the ground.)
(Roll another item?)
Arc: That's new.
RDS: Uhh... sure.

(Got Lightsword)
(A futuristic blade made from pure hardened energy.)
(Bonus Item: Got G U N)
(Just a gun, that for some reason, can use your unlocked elements.)
(Equip all)

Arc: Looking good!

Arc: Looking good!

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RDS: Thanks. Now we should find a place to eat. I'm getting hungry,

Lilina: -and we better get moving.

The group notices that it's sunset, and starts walking across the plains at a brisk pace.

Lilina: Why are your eyes magenta?

RDS: My eyes are magenta?

Arc: Yeah.

RDS: Huh, weird. This outfit is also kinda- well not weird, but unexpected. Not only that, Gaia fixed my build! I'll have to thank her later.

Timeskip cuz walking.

???: Halt! Don't move.
Lilina: Eh?

Some demons appear.

Demon 1: Step aside, fairy. That boy is one of the Earth souls.
Demon 2: He belongs to us!
RDS: Who the- who ARE you? You don't own me. You probably don't own yourself.
Demon 3: You sure about that, kid?
Lilina: Who are these people?
RDS: I'm guessing that they're the henchmen of a certain douche.
Lilina: Well, I don't care who these horned humanoids are, I won't let them hurt you!
*Lilina draws her weapons.*
RDS: And if I had to guess, then you daemos are minions of the big bad that destroyed MY planet! And I'll have you know...

*RDS draws his weapons* messed with the wrong gamer.

*Battle Initiate!*

RDS shoots 3 ether bullets out of the gun at the first demon. 50,50,Crit for 75. It dies and fades.

D2: Look out, he's got a gun!
Arc: heh.
D3:*Notions the other one to get out his pistol, and gets one out himself* You idiots, we all have guns!

Lilina whacks the talking one in the head with her hammer.150, Stun.

D3: Ack!*Falls to the ground and fades to dust*
D2: *Sweatdrops* Uhhhh... truce?
Arc: Nah. *Disintegrates the remaining one with a laser* That was easy enough.

(Wave Cleared!)
Arc: What do you mean WAVE?
RDS: When, where, why-

(RDS & Arc leveled up!)
(Might: 163480)
(Magic: 326960)
(Agility: 326960)
(INT: 660480)
(RNG: 136480)
(Max HP: 2195456)

(Exponent X awakened)

(Instead of triggering level by level, your power now doubles blow by blow, given or received.)

[Power: x 1]

(True Stat Control acquired)

(Allows you to perfectly control how much of your power you use. This skill was given to you by the system so Exponent X doesn't get too destructive.)

RDS: Um, WHAT? Awakened Abilities? That's the biggest buff I've gotten so far- and this early on too?

Arc: Uhh, dude... We've got a problem.

*A crowd of 200 demons surrounds your team.*

Lilina: Is this a large group or a small army?

Arc: A large group.

*Rock fragments come out of the ground and stab most of the hostiles*
RDS: Good one.
Lilina: Heh.
???: Who dares destroy my loyal subjects?
*A BIG demon shows up. Like, REALLY big.*
RDS: I suppose you're the leader?
BD: Correct. Now why are you- wait. You're the survivor?!
Arc: uh-oh, spaghettios...
RDS: Stupid, I won't let you get the chance! *Slashes right through the demon leader, making him explode in cliche anime fashion*(420,Critical Hit)
Demon: He killed boss! Scatter! *All the remaning demons run away*
RDS: Woo!
Lilina: We did it!
(Lilina leveled up!)
(Might: 52847)
(Magic: 327275)
(Agility: 327583)
(INT: 257394)
(RNG: 375638)
(Max HP: 28264)

(Got 826 Gold)
Arc: Decent cash.
(Got 2 💎)
RDS: Wooow, wonder what those could be for.
Arc: Shut up.
Lilina: Diamonds? Those are normally only dropped by high class enemies.

*The group starts walking again*
RDS: Nice stats, but I'm a bit worried about the low max health.
Lilina: It's a common weakness for faries, so I try to avoid damage that ignores defense.
RDS: That's smart.
Arc: And now we know that faires in this verse aren't a bunch of Cirnos.
RDS: Good.
Lilina: The thing is, it doesn't matter in hindsight, since we're practically immortal. If a fairy were to die, they'd be built a new body.
RDS: Nice.
Lilina: However, it can take days.
RDS: That's not nice.
Arc: So respawning, but nerfed?
Lilina: Exactly. Wait, we're here!*Flies off*
RDS & Arc: Hey, wait up! *Follow suit*

???: And that's how she made a new friend, and he started a new life. Good luck, kid... You'll need it.
End of Chapter

Legends of Tech Season One:  Advent ExponentWhere stories live. Discover now