Chapter 6 - Assault on the Magic Metro

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NO POV: A line without a character indication is an action.

[RDS Power: x1]
(From here on out, i will use a general power level for the RDS's stats. It doubles itself everytime the RDS deals or takes damage.)

RDS: Morning.

Gaia:  Oi.

Arc: Oh hey, you're finally awake.

RDS: Finally? It's 6 AM.

Arc: Well, Gaia, someone wanted to see ya. It's a friend of Jea's.

Gaia: Jea? The mayor?

Eternus: Yes. I've just got confirmation.

RDS: *opens door* Who is it?

?: Is this Gaia's residence?

Gaia: You called me?

?:It is? Good. We need your help.

Arc: With what?

?:Computara's attacking Magitro City again.

RDS: Again? This is a regular thing?

Gaia: Unfortunately. And over time, the attacks have been getting worse and worse.

Eternus: If this keeps up, she could counqer or destroy the whole of Ultora.

RDS: We'll just have to find some way to stop her.

?: But we need to focus on this situation first. Follow me, I've got a ship.

RDS: Alright. But before we take off, can I get a name?

 But before we take off, can I get a name?

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Techni: Techni.

Arc: Well, Techni, let's take off!

Techni: About that, this ship can only fit three. On for me, and one each for Gaia and Eternus, so...

Gaia: You'll either have to stay behind or go on foot.

Jea: (transceiver) Techni, hurry up! Our enforcement won't last long! We've got about an hour!

Techni: We're on our way!

(Gaia and Eternus get into the ship)

Gaia: Sorry you can't come with us. It's quite comfy.

RDS: Don't worry. You three go on ahead! Techni, think of a plan! We'll be as fast as we can!

Techni: Good luck! Oh, and take this. It'll fix your vision and give you an interface.*throws a visor*

RDS:*catches it* Thanks! *puts visor on* Hey, there is an interface. Like I'm in a VR video game.

Arc: And you're not squinting anymore.

RDS: I guess that too. I barely notice.

Gaia: And one more thing! I modded your Exponent factor! It's a multiplier now! Don't worry, it still stacks on itself!

Legends of Tech Season One:  Advent ExponentWhere stories live. Discover now