Chapter 3

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Toshiro had not only yelled at her but also pulled a prank on her (sure is was lame but still, she wouldn't let it slide) for no reason. She had no idea what he was talking about and didn't really care. She was pissed and really just wanted to punch his stupid face but there was no way that was happening so she had to take her anger out in a more creative way. She made her way down the hall to his office holding the bright red hair dye tightly. She chose the color red for a few reasons, one being it was associated with anger and the other reason being it was her color. It was her favorite color; she knows he'll know it was her but she didn't really care ether, she wanted him to know she was pissed. She hoped he would be asleep by the time she got there; it was time for his afternoon nap after all. She walked in quietly and found him passed out on the couch. She smirked to herself and pulled a pair of rubber gloves out of her pocket and got to work.


He woke up to the high pinched sound of Matsumoto's laugh. He didn't understand why she was laughing so hard but he was used to her behavior by now.

"What is it now Matsumoto?" he asked sitting up and stretching.

"I-I like the new look" she said trying to contain her giggling. He signed deeply not understanding what she was going on about this time.

"what are you talking about?" he stood up and straightened out his clothes.

"red looks good on you~" now he was really confused. He looked down at himself, red? He wasn't wearing red; he didn't even know if he owned any red.

"Matsumoto" he scolded crossing his arms over his chest. He had, had enough of this. "just spit it out." she giggled one more time before pointing at his hair. He ran a hand though his hair thinking that he might have something in it, there was nothing in it but it did feel...wet. He looked at his hand and saw it was now stained red. "what the hell...?" he quickly made his way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Instead of his hair being its normal pure white color was now bright red. All he saw was red, literally and figuratively.



He got strange looks from the other Shinigami as he made his way to the 11th squad training grounds. He probably would have cared more if he wasn't out to murder a certain raven-haired girl. He slammed the door open and looked around before his eyes landed on their target.

"Kurosaki" he growled dangerously. She simply smirked at him in return.

"I like the new look tosh" she didn't look surprised to see him at all.

"what's the meaning of this?" he demanded pointing at his hair. she could tell he was trying to keep his anger under control but was failing miserably considering the temperature had dropped several degrees since he had walked in.

"consider it payback for the lame prank you pulled on me after I decided to help you out of the kindness of my heart" she said putting her hands on her hips. There was no way she was going to back down.

"what you did was not helping me!!" her eye twitched. "how do I get it out?" her smirk only widened at his question.

"washing it will help but it should be back to normal by..." she paused for a moment as she looked through a calendar. "July" Karin watched as his face paled.



".... THATS TWO MONTHS FROM NOW!!" She laughed. Hard.

"y-yep" she choked out still laughing. If she were anybody else, she would be in squad 4 getting treated for frostbite but, she wasn't, so she got to have her laugh. For now, at least.


The next two months Toshiro stayed inside as much as he possibly could. He made Matsumoto deliver and pick up paperwork, go get lunch. He waited until it was dark to go home (that wasn't much different than normal though), he didn't even go on missions. But of course, he couldn't avoid going outside completely, he still had to go to captains' meetings. The first time he showed up to a meeting with bright red hair some of the captains ignored it but the majority of them snickered and asked questions. He simply ignored it. On the outside it looked like he didn't really care but, on the inside, he was cursing the day Karin Kurosaki was born. 

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