Chapter 6

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Through the whole week, all 10th squad Shinigami's had suffered from frostbite and deadly glares from their captain who had been in a bad mood since the incident. Everyone was forbidden to talk about it unless they wish to experience a cold death.

Rukia knocked on the tenth office's door and waited for a few minutes until she heard 'come in'. She entered and saw the 10th Captain who seemed to have cooled down a bit, making her sigh in relief. Glad to see he has calmed down a bit or else she thinks she wouldn't be able to come out alive after telling him the truth.

"Kuchiki." Toshiro looked up when he heard Rukia closing the door behind her. Then, an alarming thought hit him. "Has Karin sent you here?" Toshiro narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Wary of everything, he wondered if Karin had set up a trap in his office without him knowing or has sent Rukia to give him a present like last time.

"No!" Rukia yelled, surprising Toshiro with her sudden outburst. Rukia cleared her throat, looking away embarrassed. "No, I came to tell you something."

"Tell me something?" Toshiro raised one of his eyebrows.

"Y-Yes." Rukia took a deep breath as clenching her fists and stared into Toshiro's eyes. "You see... I was the one who-"


Both Shinigami's flinched at the unexpected phone call. Toshiro picked up the phone and answered it.

"Yes... Yes... Okay, I'm on my way." Rukia stood there watching him grabbing Hyorinmaru, and the next thing she knew, he was already at the door. "I'm sorry Kuchiki, my men have started a ruckus at one of the bars. I need to go to stop them."

Leaving Rukia behind in his office, she sighed before dropping her head down.

After breaking up his men's fight, giving them a harsh scolding and punishment, he searched for the assistance of someone who would be willing to help him out for his next prank. And he knows the person. Byakuya Kuchiki. He remembered quite recently he saw him with squiggly lines all over his face in bright colors. It was very obvious who the culprit was. His face may be stoic, but the hand on his sheath, itching to unsheathe was more than enough to tell what was going through his mind. With this in mind, Toshiro visited Byakuya at his manor.

"Captain Hitsugaya."

They sat opposite each other on the table and Toshiro watched Byakya taking his time to drink his tea, elegant as possible.

"I heard you have problems with Kusajishia who keeps intruding your manor."

"I don't see how this is any of your problems."

"What if I have an idea of how to stop Kusajishia from intruding your manor?" This caught his attention.

"Stop Lieutenant Kusajishia?"

"Yes. It might teach Kusajishia a lesson."

To his surprise, Byakuya easily agreed to assist him. He was happy the negotiation came out better than he expected. So, Toshiro and Byakuya teamed up, became partners in crime.

Toshiro and Byakuya built trapdoors around the 11th squad using kido to make the trapdoors invisible, to catch their prey off guard when they are least expected. After they finished setting up all the trapdoors, they hide inside a tree with their reiatsu concealed.

Through the morning, they caught some Shinigami's from the 11th squad falling for the traps and heard colorful words. Yet none of them was their target much to their disappointment. They waited. And waited. And waited. And-

They caught someone! But they caught someone. Someone they never wanted to catch. Zaraki Kenpachi. The most bloodthirsty captain. Despite their stone look, their body froze and their brain went blank at the thought of how unfortunate they are.

"Ha...haha..." They watched Zaraki as his laugh slowly got louder and more malicious. The scarf buddies silently watched Zaraki flash-step search the 11th squad for two female Shinigami's. They immediately ran away, thankfully they didn't get caught. God knows, how embarrassing it would be if Zaraki saw them hiding in the tree and knew it was them who planted those trapdoors.

When they were in clear, far away from the 11th squad as possible, they glanced at each other and started laughing at how amusing that sight was. Zaraki Kenpachi stuck in a trapdoor. Ha!

This is the second time she had to run away from her captain, but this time, she had no idea what she did to deserve this.

"KARIN!" Zaraki howled. "COME BACK HERE!"

"What the hell did I do?" Irritated at the situation, Karin looked over her shoulder, to see Zaraki is still chasing after her. She just came back to her squad from her walk with her sister. When all of a sudden, she felt a killing intent nearby. So, like a normal person, she bolted. Didn't even need to check who is it. Because there is only one person who would be rampaging around with a killing instinct was her captain. She cursed under her breath, wondering how to get out of this situation. As she was too busy trying to think, she didn't notice she stepped on a trapdoor. Karin looked down to see the floor give out under her and she crashed to the ground.

"What? Why is there a trapdoor here!?" Karin screamed. What the hell is going on?

"Consider this as your punishment for planting those stupid trapdoors like a coward," Zaraki smirked, pleased to see Karin who tried to muster up the scariest glare she could. But of course, this is Zaraki we are talking about. Nothing scares him.

"I didn't do this!" Of course, when she tried to jump out but she hit something and immediately crashed back into the ground. She noticed there was a force field preventing her. This is when she realized who was the mastermind of this was. Toshiro. She let out of many colorful words out of her mouth and her captain continued walking, ignoring her screams.


"Oi Matsumoto!" Matsumoto paused when she heard someone calling her name and saw Renji running towards her. "Do you know what's going on with them?"

"No, I was about to ask you the same thing," They saw them in the meeting, smiling at each other and silently laughing. Matsumoto and Renji looked at each other, communicating with their eyes, wondering if each other knew what they are laughing about.

"I tried to get anything out of Captain but he wouldn't tell me anything!" No matter how much Matsumoto whined, begged, even bribed. He still kept his lips sealed.

"Captain Kuchiki once asked me to help him to build trapdoors." He remembered when his captain asked him to help him to build trapdoors. He was baffled. He didn't expect nor thought he would ever hear this kind of request from him. Before he could ask, Byakuya gave him a cold glare that shut Renji right up. Both of them looked at each other and shrugged, deciding it's best to leave it as it is, as they wish not to get into trouble with their captain.

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