Lets Save Them

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I killed them. Those men. They came back up and I killed them without a seconds thought.

I stare at the blood on my hands, it's different then animal blood, I didn't have a problem killing that deer, but a person? I feel sick.

I killed them silently so at least now one heard, that's a plus. Right?

I sit down, back against the wall just staring at the two motionless bodies.

"Baby? It's ok, you had to do it" Luke says looking me in the eyes.

"I didn't have to, I could have knocking them out or used my power" I whisper still in shock.

"Hey dont say that, listen to me they hurt girls they could have hurt your sister, we are on a rescue mission, you'll be ok" He says and helps me to my feet.

"Ok" I say.

We both quietly walk down the stairs but stop when we hear voices.

"She should be here by now!"

"Clay, dont worry she'll be here soon I'm sure of it"

I suck in a growl.

Clay. I know that name from somewhere I'm sure of it.

"She better be or I'll have your head!"

We both hear a sound then whimpering and I have to cover my ears.

Its sounds just like what happend to me.

Luke looks at me. "Well go down once we know they are gone, be ready in case you need to use your power, and if someone sees us I'll blind them, ok?" He whispers and I nod.

Once the sound of footsteps fade away we carefully make our way down the last couple of steps.

I gasp as I inhale a gross smell, urine and vomit.

I look at Luke but he just covers his nose and continues forward toward the sound of soft crying. We round a corner and stop in our tracks, there are rows and rows of prison cells filled with at least five or six girls all looking like they could pass out at any second.

They look at us but Luke and I both shake our head to silence them, we cant get caught, not when we are so close to freeing them.

I go to the nearest cell and find it locked.

"Shit, Luke there locked" I hiss forgetting he hates it when i swear he doesn't tell me off though, he just scans the area for a key.

"All the guards carry a key" A girl not much younger then myself says.

"Then I'll go get a key" I say.

"No way, your not going alone" Luke says but I shake my head.

"Its the fastest way, dont worry ill be fine" I tell him and race off down the hall and around the corner.

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