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the walk up to the house after dropping silver on the floor was intimidating to say the least. "thrusts his f-f-fists against the p-P-post and still insists h-he see's the g-ghosts." bill spoke. for him, usually it was a way to help his stutter, but right now he wanted normality. he craved it. nothing ha been normal since Georgie's disappearance. nothing would again until he had answers. he spoke those words over and over to try and help calm himself. "bill! Bill wait! you can't go alone, this is crazy." Beverly spoke as they got off their bikes, the entire group had come to help him, despite their immense fear of the place. "look.." bill looked down, "you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing? another Betty? or one of us. are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like every other fucking person in this town? because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. his clothes. his toys. his stupid stuffed animals. so walking into this house is easier than my own." bill's speech was supposed to inspire the group, which it did, for the most part at least. "wow" Richie breathed out. "what? Delilah asked. "he didn't stutter once" Richie was right. this showed to the losers how serious bill was, Bill always stuttered, even when he was trying to talk about serious things. the rest of the kids began walking toward the door until stan's voice stopped them."wait, shouldn't we have some people keep watch... in case anything happens." his voice showed he really didn't want to go in the house. "w-who wants to stay out h-here?" bill asked. all the hands went up besides Beverly and Delilah. "pussies" Delilah whispered under her breath. "fuck," Richie breathed out, "wait I change my mind" Richie said, pulling his hand down. "what why? rich you wanna go in there?" Eddie asked Richie like he was an idiot. "no but if delilahs going in, I'm not gonna let my girl go alone." he turned and winked at Delilah causing her to blush a little. the four of eight losers walked through the door. Eddie, Bill, Richie and Delilah. "gah, I can't believe I pulled the short straw" Richie spoke, "you guys are lucky we weren't measuring dicks" he tried to lighten the mood. Bill and Eddie stayed completely silence, with complete disregard to the boys crude remark. but Delilah? Delilah giggled lightly to herself, that only Richie heard. the air was filled with dust and the floor scattered with creaky floorboards. there were cobwebs on everything in the house. "I can smell it," Eddie whined. "just don't breath through your mouth" richie shrugged."how come?" Eddie asked, looking around innocently. "because then you're eating it" Richie laughed. Eddie began choking at the thought of it as the four began to split up. "wait del, stay with me" Richie held out his left hand for Delilah to take, which she did, hesitantly. "can't lose you now can I?" he smiled at her, with the smile that left her feeling like they weren't in a creepy old house where a child-eating clown lives. but on another planet, a lace with just them, alone together. she wished he knew how she felt, she wanted him to know in case something happens. "rich I need to tell you-" she looked up to se whim reading something."it says I'm missing" he said completely ignoring her. "police department - city of Derry, that's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face, that's my name, that's my glasses, that's my age, that's the date today!" he began panicking. Bill and Eddie rushed over to see what the commotion was about. "no! it say I'm missing, why the fuck am I missing???" he was having a small panic attack. "look at me," Delilah grabbed his shoulders, "look at me, you're here with me, Eddie, Bill, it's not real okay? you're still here" her attempts to calm him slowly worked as he began breathing normally. eventually they were distracted by a faint 'help' coming from upstairs. 'help me please' the foursome headed up, Richie grabbing Delilah's hand like is life depended on it. "I wanted to tell you something" she whispered over to him so the others didn't here. "I know, I feel the same way" he replied. there were butterflies flying around her stomach. "how did you know I was going to say I liked you?" she asked, confused. "because I lie you too, and I never like anyone. well mainly because I've been hung up on you for my entire life, so rally its your fault. plus, I knew you couldn't resist me" he smiled at her."let's hope we survive this so I can kiss that cute little face of yours" she said, making his stomach fill with nerves and excitement. she made him forget the situation they were in. they came to the top of the stairs and there were two ways to go. left or right. right: nothing but a closed door and some sunlight trying to get in through a partly blacked out window. left: a long hall with many other doors, at the end the door was open. the one and only Betty Ripsom lay, bloody, on the floor screaming for help. the boys and girl looked at her, as they began approaching, her body was pulled back. a voice called out to Eddie, he being the only one to notice, he hung back to see where it was coming from. he turned round completely."guys?" he asked but the others didn't hear hi, "guys?" he asked again only to be ignored again. the others made it to the doors and went inside the almost empty room. nothing but an old, tatty mattress and a door leading to another Pom. "what the fuck? where'd she go? she was just here?" Richie said. "guys?" Eddie spoke once again, the door in the right hallway opened slowly. 'eddie' the voice got louder and more sinister. "guys!" he turned to run to them but the door slammed behind them. the trio jumped, causing Richie to let go of Delilah's hand. "Eddie?" the three screamed his name and banged on the door, trying to open. it was like a force was keeping it shut. Delilah and bill were so distracted with getting to Eddie they didn't notice Richie be called into the other room. "Richie," eddie's voice called before laughing, "C'mere Richie" Richie followed, unaware it wasn't really his beloved friend. meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Eddie tried to run to the door where his friends where but the floor caved in, leaving a big, gaping hole. his watch went off signalling it was time for his pills. a rotting hand placed itself onto eddie's shoulder, when he turned round, Eddie was face-to-face with the leper from the other day. "time for you pill Eddie" it groaned. Eddie screamed and fell back through the hole. he landed, or rather he crashed right through a table and onto the floor. "come on, Eddie, it's no time for hide and seek dipshit" Richie spoke in the room upstairs. "Richie?" Delilah called. "Delilah" he turned and tried to walk towards her until a force pushed the floor shut. "Richie?" Delilah screamed. "Delilah!" Richie screamed back, they both furiously tried to open the door. the sound of all the sheets being pulled off of their objects made Richie stop trying to get out. "fuck" he whispered. he turned slowly to be met with many different clown statues. "fuck" he said again, knocking on one of their heads to check their authenticity. another cloth was pulled off at the end to reveal a coffin. the coffin opened and showed a picture of Richie's missing poster and the word 'FOUND' spray painted over it in large, black letters. "oh fuck" he said again. he made his way over there to be met with something in the coffin covered by deep, black lace. he pulled it back to see a doll, dressed in his clothes, with his glass, hair and face. except it had maggots coming out of it and bits of his face missing. "oh yuck!" he exclaimed, pushing the coffin's lid down. only for it to come right back up. the clown pushed his way out and landed on top. "Beep beep Richie"he taunted, doing a hand gesture. Richie screamed and ran backwards, just as Delilah got through the door. "oh shit" Delilah hugged him. they were about to continue trying to get to Eddie until the mattress began moving. the top ripped open to reveal eddie's face, except he looked sick, very sick. "wanna play loogie?" he spoke, before opening his mouth and letting a sticky, black substance fall out. the trio asked away as the blackness made its way towards them and eddies head disappeared. they turned to be met with three doors. scaryvery scarynot scary at allthey ran for the not scary at all to be met with a dark room. "where's my shoe?" a shaken voice called. Bill pulled the cord to turned the light on to be met with Betty, except her bottom half was missing. Bill immediately shut the door. "where the fuck were her legs?" Richie yelled. "it's not real remember! it's not real!" bill shouted. the three opened the door again to be met with the hallway, thank god. they ran downstairs, following eddies wails. they saw the clown over him, about to take a bite. Delilah noticed eddie's practically-snapped-in-half arm."this isn't real enough for ya? I'm not real enough for ya billy?" he taunted. "it was real enough for Georgie" Delilah felt a strong hatred for the clown in this moment. he had tormented the town enough. the clown got close to Delilah."poor girl, never even got to explore you biggest fear, not yet at least" he laughed sinisterly. his mouth stretched open revealing sets and sets of teeth. Beverly then came out of nowhere and ima pled the clowns face with a spike from outside. they all rushed to eddie's side. the clown retreated back through the door but not before stabbing Ben in the stomach, making him billed profusely."don't let it get away" bill called and followed it. "Richie, you're gonna need to snap it back into- I can't do it" Delilah informed. "do not touch me! do not fucking touch me!" Eddie screamed, Richie grabbed his arm and snapped it without even thinking causing Eddie to scream again. it was painful to see. it was painful to hear, but it was worse to experience both. Eddie was like the little boy of the group, and Delilah didn't wanna see the little boy being hurt in such a way. the journey to Eddie's house was blurry. one minute they were at twenty-nine neibolt and then they were stood outside his house, with a furious Sonia Kasbrak.

word count ~ 1832

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