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Delilah and bev spoke almost every night, although they didn't see much of each other or the rest of the month due to her spending so much time with bill. although, bev hadn't answered last night. even though she called like seven times. Richie and Delilah were at the arcade when bill burst through the door. they were completely unprepared for the news of bev's diasppearance. and IT's claim of "you die if you try" referring to bev's attempt to kill the clown.

"see this guy I'm hitting, I'm pretending it's you" Richie was still a little salty over the incident a couple months back.

"it got Beverly" bill ignored Richie's comment.

"what are you talking about?" Delilah got closer.

"IT Richie, it got Beverly"

Bill called Eddie. the boy who hadn't even his friends in weeks. he had a cast on his very broken arm. he was sat at the kitchen table. greta had 'sighned' his cast. she'd written 'LOSER' in big black letters. she'd also told him that his pills were placebos and not real. Eddie used a red marker to write a big, red V over the S so it said lover. the phone began ringing and he answered it.

"okay... I'll meet you there." he said before putting the phone down.

"and just where do you think you're off to?" Mrs Kasbrak stood in front of him.

"out with my friends" Eddie didn't make eye contact with his mother.

"sweetie, you can fo, you're getting over your sickness remember?" she folded her arms and had a stern look on her face. Eddie found some confidence within himself.

"my sickness... okay... what sickness mom?"

"Eddie- they help you... I had to protect you"

"protect me? by lying to me? by keeping me locked inside this hell hole? I'm sorry but the only people who were actually trying to protect me were my friends

"no mom, you know what these are?" the poor boy was raising his voice, "they're gazebos! they're bullshit!" Mrs K chose not to correct his error as Eddie threw his pill bottle on the floor.

"I was trying to protect you-" she tried to defend herself.

"save it, you made me turn my back on them when I really needed them most" he walked past her and out the door with her screaming behind him but he got on his bike and rode away too fast.

"Eddie... you get back here... Eddie... eddie!" she screamed.

"sorry mom but I gotta go save my friends."

the group met back at neibolt with new weapons. Delilah was frantic and worried about her best friend but shoved it down far into her stomach so she didn't have to deal with it whilst trying to save bev.

"you alright?" Richie asked to which Delilah nodded. they placed their bikes in the front lawn.

"guys, spikes" bill began getting weapons out for his friends. Mike had brought his bolt gun. desperate times, ey? Eddie launched his funny pack into the distance and no longer cared. Delilah fiddled with her fingers out of nervousness but was brought back to her sense when she saw Richie pick something up of the floor. it was an empty glass bottle. he smashed it on the banister that went up with the stairs into the house. the glad smashed leaving only the part you drink out of. he threw aside his pathetic attempt if a weapon. Delilah smiled to herself. now with weapons, the began heading into the house. Richie held his hand out for Delilah which she took without a second thought.

"S-Stan?" bill said, causing the others to turn and look at the afraid boy. Stan was the only one of the group unsure of entering the house. even Eddie had walked straight in without a complaint on the smell, dust or dirt. "Stan, w-we all have to go in." bill added. "like b-b-Beverly said, she was right, if we split up like last time, we'll b-b-be killed one b-by one." slowly, after some more persuading, Stan slowly put one foot in front of the other to meet the rest of the group. they arrived at the well in the basement.

IT [2017] Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now