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"do you know how delicate my little Eddie is?" Mrs Kasbrak rambled on. "w-w-we were attack Mrs K" bill tried to reason with the terrifying woman. "don't! do not try and blame this on anyone else!" her voice was terrifying, everything about her was terrifying. there was no other word to describe her. she pushed Eddie into the car gently and slammed the door shut, causing ther to drop her keys. "here let me-" bev tried to help the woman. "no! don't think I haven't heard about you miss marsh and I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son!" Beverly looked angry at the woman speaking lies about her but she kept her anger in. "you're all monsters, Eddie is done with you, do you hear?" she roared. the teens watched as Sonia loaded herself into the car, causing it to shake, and then drive off. Eddie didn't even looked at them. they followed the car into the middle of the road and watched as it drove into the distance. "w-w-we know where the well is, and n-n-next time we'll be better prepared." bill spoke confidently. "no!" Stan yelled, Delilah watched him carefully, "no next time bill, you're insane!" Delilah wanted to agree but she also craved the adventure. she was scared, she really was, but her life was so shitty she felt she had nothing to lose. she decided she'd go with Richie, do what Richie does. he had been her lifelong friend always there for her, she didn't want to throw that away other a clown. "why? we all know no one else is gonna do anything" Beverly defended. "Eddie was nearly killed and look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper" Delilah felt torn. bev was her best friend for sure, but Richie, she liked him a lot, but that was irrelevant, he had been there for her. her entire life. well since she moved to Derry at least. "we can't pretend it's going to go away, you said it yourself, Ben, it'll come back in twenty-seven years" Beverly tried to get at least one other person on their side. she was desperate. "fine, I'll be forty and far away from here! you said it yourself, you wanna get away from this town too!" Ben answered back. "because I want to run towards something, not away" Beverly spoke calmly. "Delilah? what about you?" she asked, all attention was on Delilah. "I want to find Georgie, I do, the other kids too, but... I mean, this isn't some video game, this is real life. we could actually die doing this. I-I want to Beverly I do... I don't want any of us to die. I can't see that happen." Delilah looked down. "del is right. let's just face the facts - Georgie is dead!""Richie-" Delilah started. "no! stop trying to get us killed too!" "g-Georgie is not dead!" bill said as Richie began to walk toward his bike. "you couldn't save him, but you could still save yourself.'' Richie pushed on. he tried to walk past but bill blocked him. "no! t-take it back. you're s-scared we all are but take it b-back!" bill said, shoving Richie. in true, boy-fashion, richie pushed bill back. this clearly ag riveted bill as he punched Richie in the face. it wasn't a strong punch, after all, he hadn't ever punched someone before. it was strong enough for Richie to fall back on the floor. Delilah rushed to his side but he got himself up and went toward bill, Stan held him back and Ben held bill back. "you're just a bunch of losers! fuck off!" Richie yelled. Delilah hadn't ever seen him like this. part of her understood where he was coming from but he didn't have to go on about saying how Georgie is dead. "you're just a bunch of losers!" Richie repeated, "you're going to get yourselves killed trying to kill a stupid clown!" Richie yelled. "stop!" Beverly shouted, getting in between the boys, "this is what IT wants, IT wants to divide us" she carried on. "we were all together when we hurt it, that's the only reason we're still alive" Delilah added. Richie looked at her betrayed, "doesn't mean we have to go after it too, bill, I want this to stop, I want answers too, but-but I can't die. I can't leave my brother and sister, not with my dad. he'll hurt them too. he only doesn't hurt them because of me. I'm sorry. I can't do this, I can't get myself killed." Delilah looked down, ashamed, "I'm sorry" she began crying a little and walked to her bike."Delilah-wait" Beverly tried. "I love you guys, but I can't," she wiped her face and got on her bike. Richie followed, then Stan, Mike and finally Ben. hen it was just Beverly and bill. when Richie and Delilah got to their houses, they silently went their separate ways. she placed her bike in her garage and walked to the front door. "I can't" she whispered, as she was about to open the front door. she walked over to Richie's. there were no cars in the driveway so no one was home. she knocked but there was no answer. "rich?" she asked, as she opened the door slowly. "Richie?" still no answer. she heard some noises coming from the downstairs bathroom of his house."ahh ouch" it was Richie. she slowly shut the front door and headed to the bathroom, the door was open slightly and she say Richie in the mirror, he was attempting to clean his bleeding lip. "rich..." she said opening the door fully. "oh... hey Delilah" he said."I'm sorry if I made you mad- with what I said" she spoke softly. "Delilah, I- I mean I was a little mad that you would go with them... but, I understand your sibling thing. I get it, I get you want to protect them, I wouldn't want you getting yourself killed anyways" Richie said, looking down. during this time, Delilah had swatted his hands away from his face and grabbed a wet cotton ball and lightly dabbed it on my mouth while her spoke. "why are you helpin me? I was an ass""you were," she breathed rapidly, she was nervous, she wasn't good with boys, making first moves was especially not her strong point, "but I don't wanna kiss you with blood on your mouth" she didn't know where it came from but she said it. Richie looked shocked, embarrassed and insanely happy all at once. "I-I" he didn't know what to say. "sh, shush while I clean you up" he shut up and let her clean his face. he was honestly a little embarrassed that the girl he liked had seen him get punched but he wasn't so other end when it lead to her cleaning him up and admitting she wanted to kiss him. sure she had said it before in the neibolt house, but he assumed it was an impulse in-case-we-die kind of thing. he knew it wasn't anymore. she stood up and grabbed what she had dirtied. "good as new" she smiled before leaving into the kitchen to throw the stuff in the trash. "so, was it my witty jokes or endless good looks that made you fall in love with me? my charm maybe..." she was still facing the wall and she smirked. "Richie Tozier, do you ever stop?" she turned round. "not for you babe" he smiled. she walked close to him, she was teasing him. he thought she was going to kiss him but she didn't. she tapped his nose and moved into the living room. she hadn't kissed someone before, she was nervous, she wanted to do this but she kept putting it off out of fear. "you know, when we were in neibolt, you did say you wanted to kiss me" he leaned against the doorframe, smirking. he wouldn't admit it but he was nervous. "why do you need me to? haven't you kissed someone like a thousand times before? and what about the I-can-get-any-girl-I-want Richie?" she replied. "never kissed anyone, may come as a surprise to you... and I can get any girl I want." he shrugged, "what if that girl is the girl I've wanted since I knew what a girl was? what if that girl was in this room right now?" he walked closer to her. "hmm, you hiding girls behind your curtains again, Tozier?" she said, referencing the time she had to hide behind the curtain in his bedroom when she was over and they forgot to lock the door. "what about all the sex jokes?""ahh, they're merely but jokes" he replied. they were closer to each other now, about 6ft apart. "I am a little surprised you haven't kissed anyone," before she could reply a car door was heard. "shit, that's my dad, quick get upstairs" the boy grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs. "I'm home Richie" his dad said, entering the house, clearly his dad knew that Richie's sister wouldn't be home because she was never home. "going out again in about half an hour," "okay dad, I'm doing-" he tried to think of something legitimate, "homework?" it came out as more of a question. Delilah put her hands over her mouth to stifle the laugh she felt when she thought of Richie actually doing his homework. he pushed her into his room and she sat on his bed. he turned and shut the door, sliding the bolt across. "wow, Richie Tozier doing homework?" she laughed. "shut up!" although Richies parents didn't care if Delilah was there, their parents were friends and would occasionally speak and if Delilah's father heard that she'd been over, he'd go apeshit. she shuffled backward and lay on one side of his bed. he soon joined her. "your bed is so much comfier than mine.""that's what you want to say after we just had some kind of moment-" he was cut off by Delilah climbing up and straddling his waist. "oh lord" he whispered. he was completely mesmerised by the fact a girl was sat on him, in his bed. most of all that it was Delilah. beautiful, funny Delilah, whom he'd loved since he was a young boy. "there a problem?" she whispered back."no, no, god no," he was stumbling over his words. while Delilah thought it was because he was nervous, really Richie didn't want to get a boner over the fact a girl was sat on him. he was thirteen, sure, but he was a boy, a hormonal, teenage boy. what do you expect? "what are you-" he stared to speak after a few moments of looking into her eyes but she cut him off by simply kissing him, straight up. she forgot about her nerves, and her awkwardness. this was richie for Christ's sake. she literally spoke to him about anything. and everything. she even told him when she started her period, he didn't even know what it was till she explained it. the kiss was intense but PG13, until it wasn't. Richie asked for entrance to her mouth which she gladly accepted until they were in a full on make out session. "we got thirty minutes to kill in here before you can leave, we could-""Richie, way to ruin the moment" Delilah laughed, getting off him and laying back beside him. she lay on her side, her head in his shoulder. they lay like that until there was a knock at Richies door."yeah?" he called out. "I'm back off to work now" his dad's voice said. Delilah felt Richie sigh sadly. he never got to see his dad."alright" he called back. the next thing to be heard was footsteps and the front door being shut. "I'm sorry" Delilah said. "what for?" Richie's asked. "one of the rare times your dad is home for more that five seconds and you had to spend it with me""I'd rather spend it with someone who wants to spend time with me that someone who doesn't" Richie shrugged."I need to go call bev" Delilah said, going to get up but Richie pulled her back down causing her to squeal. "can't you stay a bit longer?" he whined, "I'll miss you if you go, I'll miss my girl" he fake pouted. "I'm your girl, am I?""course, always have been, just now it's official." she gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "nu-uh, if you're gonna leave me, I need more than that" she gave him a slow kiss, that was intense, and border-line the beginning of making out. she pulled back much to Richie's disappointment. "I could do that forever" he smiled."I'll see you later" she said before unlocking his door and leaving. she walked across the front lawns as she knew her dad wasn't home. her mother might have been."hey mom," she smiled, entering the kitchen. she was right, her dad was at work. "hey sweetie, what's got you all happy?" when her dad wasn't around, Delilah and her mother were best friends, she would tell her anything. they wouldn't talk about dad. "Richie" she smiled. "he finally admit his feelings for you?" she smiled."yes, well I mean he did a few days ago, but today he kissed me" Delilah replied. "as long as it's just kissing""mom!" Delilah laughed. "I'm going to call bev," her mom nodded and she went upstairs to the phone in her room. she dialled the number and it rung for a while. "hello?" bev's voice spoke, "marsh residence""hey bev, it's me, is your dad home?" Delilah asked. "no" bev sounded angry. "I wanted to apologise""Delilah, you have nothing to apologise for, I get it, I do. I'm sorry.""don't be sorry. let's just have our apologies balance each other out so no one needs to apologise, okay" Delilah reasons with her. "deal, how's Richie?" Delilah smiled widely at the mention of him."I cleaned his face up, he'll be fine, it'll have healed in a couple days" Delilah spoke fast. she and bev had spoke a lot about what they wanted their first kisses to be like. "o h a n d w e k I s s e d" she spoke fast. "wait what?" bev almos screamed. "yeah.. we kissed, more than once, even made out..." Delilah smiled at the memory of her lips against his. "so are you together?" she asked, eagerly. "I think so... I mean, when I said I had to go he said he'd miss his girl. but he's always called me his girl, sooo I don't know at the moment."bev and Delilah spoke a lot for the rest of the evening before bev's dad got home and broke up the party. Delilah climbed over into Richie's room to sleep, like she did most nights. "goodnight, my love" he whispered, even though she had already fallen asleep in his arms.

word count ~ 2535

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