Chapter 2

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After me and Sid's fight we went straight home from the apple store. She helped me get my things in my house then went across the street to hers.

I still don't see how she never noticed Lucas and me flirting. She just had to swoop in like always and take away all the guys that seem even the slightest bit interested in me...

But its not my fault being the ugly friend. I'll just let her have him.

I start unpacking my things. I hang all my new shirts and put them in my walk in closet, then fold up my jeans and put them on a shelf in my closet. Lastly I put all of my shoes in a closet in my large bathroom.

All my extra accessories just go in drawers (idk if that's how you spell it) in my bathroom.

I'm going to be home alone all day today because Claire is with her boyfriend like always, and Liz is with her boyfriend too at a party.

Since I will be home alone I decide to go to the dairy queen. I get dressed in a light gray tank top and put a sort of transparent loose white t-shirt that says LOVE in upper case black letters. Then I put on a pair of blackish blue skinny jeans and a pair of medium length uggs. Last I put my thick wavy brown hair in a high pony tail.

I make my way to the dairy queen with ten dollars and my new white iPhone 5s.

On my way there a see a group of boys riding down this way on skateboards. As they get closer I realize that they're the schools "bad boys" who are really just huge dick heads.

I try to make sure they don't notice me so I pretend like I'm texting some one, when I'm really just writing random crap in notes(I do this all the time... I'm such a loner.)

As I'm walking, and they should be passing, I notice that they've ALL stopped and are following me. UGH! I don't like you guys!!! Ewww!! Go the other way!!! I decide to lock my phone and put it in my back pocket because I don't want to be caught fake texting.

As I enter the dairy queen I look back and see them all still out there. They notice me looking at them while they look at me. I see the boy in the front the "leader" of the dick faces starts blushing.

I just turn around and walk to the counter to get my order. I order plain vanilla because I'm a picky girl. I wait for my order and a few seconds later I get it. I give the cashier $1.50. That's the perks of pickiness, ya get cheap shit.

I take my ice cream and walk out. The "bad boys" are still here, but they're sitting at an out door seating area. UGH just leave! Even if your not looking for me, which I highly doubt they are, they need to be out of my sight I don't like them...

I started to walk home when I felt a hand grab my shoulders. I turned around with an annoyed look on my face. Ugh its the "leader" Henry I think. I don't know...

"Hey. Haven't seen you around here. You new?" He asked

"Actually! No! I've lived here my whole life!" I said maybe a little to rude but I don't care. They mean nothing to me.

"Dang little sassy aren't we?" He said sarcastically "So what's your name?" He asked with a smirk

I didn't answer I just liked my ice cream and tried to turn around and walk away. But that didn't work so well... I ended up spilling my now half melted ice cream all over one of his friends. Surprisingly none of them got mad. Not even his friend with a now ice cream covered shirt.

They just all laughed. I just stood there uncomfortable about what I'd just done. A few seconds later they all stopped laughing and just stared at me. I tried to get through the crowd of seven boys. But they didn't budge they formed a circle around me so I couldn't leave. UGH! They're so stubborn!

"Can I go home?!" I snapped at them.

"Answer our question first babe." Another one of his friends asked. Henry or what ever his name was just kept looking me up and down while smirking.

"Its a secret. Now can I go?" I asked trying to sound sweet but it came out with a little sas following.

"Tell us!" I'm pretty sure Jackson said that. Jackson and I used to be friends but we got separated from classes so that kind of destroyed our friendship. He never knew my name either.

"You could call me what everyone else does at school..." I said quietly

"And what is that?" Hayes finally spoke. HAYES YES THAT'S HIS NAME! I FIGURED IT OUT. Yeah I knew that...

"Slut, bitch, whore, loser, loner, creep..." I whispered "But if you wanna be like my friend and sisters, Kit or Kitty..." I said sort of unsure.

They stayed silent. "So... Can I leave now?!" I snapped them out of their thoughts.

"Ummm... Yeah... Yeah. Sure go.." Hayes spoke uncomfortably. ugh yes finally.

Because of him (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now