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'How the fuck did I get here?'

Well, that honestly was a good question. He only remembers touching a broken mirror he found under a bridge after some alone-time and then suddenly being in a forest. He looks around and stands up shakily. 

Gguk sighs and reaches for his phone- wait. His phone! He'd left it at home! The 19-year-old groans in frustration and starts walking. He'll just walk until he sees people or horses or- men on horses? Gguk huffs and just starts walking up to them. 

"Hey um quick question, where am i-" His eyes widened at having a sword at his throat. Wait- a sword? "What the actual fuck are you doing? And why do you have a fucking sword-" "Watch your mouth, trespasser.", the man hissed and Gguk groaned. "Trespasser? What-" 

He doesn't know how the man did it and did it that fast but suddenly he had a rope tied around his hands and a fucking gag in his mouth. "I'll take you to King RM, he'll decide what to do with you.", he spat and Jeongguk only rolled his eyes. When the strange man started walking, he just followed him.


Namjoon sighed as yet another knock sounded at the door. "You may enter.", he called and had to frown at the sight that greeted him. One of his guards walked in with a boy at his side.

"Sorry to disturb you, my king, but I found this trespasser in the forest." The boy started protesting, you just couldn't understand because of the gag. Namjoon sighed. "Remove the gag." The guard did just that. "Okay, look, I don't know what kind of fuckery this is but I just wanted to ask someone aout my location, because my stupid gay ass left my phone at home and then suddenly I'm being taken into a castle by a man with a sword! What the fuck!?"

After some silence, Namjoon asked: "What's a phone?" Jeongguk nearly passed out.
"You don't know what a phone is? Holy shit that's sad. Who doesn't know what a phone is in the 21st century?" The guard gasped and Namjoon looks at the boy, clearly interested now. 

"What?!" The king turned to the guard. "Leave. But leave the boy with me.", Namjoon ordered and the guard nodded.

Once the guard was gone, Namjoon asked: "21st century?" "Uh yeah?" " You do realize that it's the 18th century, young man." The boy huffed. "Yea right. I know I look stupid, but this? Not even I am this stupid." Joon raised one eyebrow and reached for the 'newspaper'. He showed the year to Jeongguk, who gasped. "What? B-but how-" "Time travel?" Gguk's eyes widened and Namjoon stood up, walking up to him. "Are you okay?" "Kinda?" "Are you sure?" "No." And with that the boy fainted, Namjoon catching him before he hit the ground.

whatever it takes | jjk x bts (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now