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"What do you mean she has to come?" Dudley asked

"Ms. Fig can't watch her, and we will be gone too long to just leave her in the cupboard," Vernon said

"But she runes everything." Dudley wined

"Oh no, she will not Dudykins. She will stay in the hotel room the entire time, and at night she can sleep on the floor in the corner of the room, or in an empty wardrobe." Petunia said

I could hear them talking from my place in my cupboard. They were talking about the business trip Uncle Vernon had to take to Cairo, Egypt. I had wanted to go but knew that they were never going to let me but, for once luck was on my side and I was allowed to go under rules of course. I should have known something was wrong because even if Ms. Fig couldn't watch me there was no way they would be okay with me coming.

"Do not talk to anyone. Don't touch anyone. Stay under the radar. Don't draw notice to you. And the most important one of all don't do anything freakish." Vernon said as we walked to the car.

"Of course, Uncle," I said

I got into the car and we drove to the airport. This was my first time seeing a plane and being on one. I had to sit a few rows away from the Dursley which was okay with them because they didn't want my freakiness to rub off on their Dudley. I was sitting next to two men who were from America they were heading to Cairo to look for treasure.

"Egypt was the home of the Pharaohs. They had a lot of gold, and they all hid it in the same place," he said

The man next to him spoke up said... "We're looking for a certain place it's called Hamunaptra The City Of the Dead. It is said to contain a chamber filled with the wealth of Egypt." the other American said

"Well, I hope you find it," I said

The rest of the plane ride was filled with them telling me about different things they have looked for and how many they had actually found. According to them, they had a man named Beni who had been to Hamunaptra three years ago and they were paying him to take them there and back. The man came over the system and said that we would be starting our downward descent into Cairo. Once we landed I said a quick goodbye to the Americans and followed after the Dursley. We made our way to the hotel we would be staying at, once we got to the room Vernon made quick work of telling me where I would be sleeping and retold me the rules, and made sure I knew what the punishment would be if I broke one of them. The Dursley left the room and headed to look around Cairo. When they got back they ate and went to bed. I headed over and sleep in my little corner.

We had been in Cairo for two days. Vernon told me they would be gone all day and I was to not leave the room. After they left, I broke one of the rules, I left. I wanted to go to the museum. I had not been able to leave the Dursley house most of the time, but when I did I would sneak out and go to the library, I even made it to the local museum once. I knew it was safe because the Dursley would never go to the library or the museum. I made it out of the hotel with no one noticing me.

I made it to the museum, and there was barely anyone there so I knew that if I acted normal, and like I knew what I was doing no one would pay attention. Plus, people don't like to question why a child would be in a museum alone. I was looking at a big black rock with pictures on it when a woman with glasses on and reading a book bumped into me. Two rules broken.

"I'm sorry," I said

She looked at me.

"It's okay, what were you looking at?" She asked

I pointed at the big black rock, with the pictures drawn on it.

"Do you know what it is?" she asked

"No, ma'am," I said

"This is said to tell the location of the Book of the Living, and the Book of the Dead," she said

"What are the pictures called?" I asked

"Those are called hieroglyph," she said

"What's that one?" I asked

I pointed at one with two littles above a symbol and a bird on either side.

"Oh that's is Ahmenophus," she said

"Cool," I said

"I'm Evelyn Carnahan. What is your name?" Evelyn asked

"Amara I'm not really sure what my last name is," I said

She went to say something when I heard a clock ding. I looked for it and saw the time.

"I have to go. I'm sorry." I said

I turned and quickly ran out of the museum and back to the hotel. I got back to the room. I shut the door and ran over to my corner, and waited. A few seconds passed before the Dursley walked in. Vernon glared at me and looked around the room. Looking for something anything to yell at me about. He makes a noise and leaves the room. I let out a breath and looked out the window. I could hear the Dursley talking in the other room. I looked out the window to see the sun setting.

"Time for bed freak," Vernon said

I nodded my head and curled up in the corner and fell asleep.

While I was asleep I felt a rocking, and I was hot. I was woken up by Vernon yelling at me.

"Wake up. Wake up, you freak." Vernon yelled

I opened my eyes and looked around to see that we were in the middle of the desert.

"Now we are finally going to be rid of you," Vernon said

He then pushed me out of the car and drove away, leaving a cloud of sand in his wake. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of nowhere. I looked up at the sky to see the sun just starting to rise. I headed the way I saw Vernon go. I don't know how long I had been walking but I knew I was sweating, and that the sun was high in the sky and that I was hot. I didn't stop walking I just kept going, I knew if I stopped I would be as good as dead. I trip and fell over my feet a few different times, my legs and hands were covered in sand. I was getting tired and even hotter, I tripped over my feet and landed in the sand. I just laid there, I rolled over and looked up at the sky.

You can't give up you have to keep going.

"I can't, I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting I just want a somewhat normal life. I want parents that want me and love me and siblings. I don't want to fight for my life 24/7" I said

Close your eyes.

I did as the voice told me, I closed my eyes, felt a pinch, and when I opened my eyes I was in a dark room.


"Okay," I said

Then everything went black. While I was asleep, I heard the voice again. A man stepped out of the shadows.

"Who are you?" I asked

"My name is Tom and I'm going to help you," Tom said

"You're the voice," I said

"Yes, I'm sorry I haven't helped more," Tom said

"It's okay, you did your best. I know you somewhere helped when you could." I said

"We will talk later, you need to rest and heal. You were dying when I bought you here." Tom said

"Will I be okay?" I asked

"Yes after some rest," Tom said

I nodded my head and everything faded back to black. I don't know how long I had been out, but when I came to it, was to the sound of people talking and the sounds of guns. I followed the noises and saw two groups of people pointing guns at each other. I saw Evelyn and the two Americans from the plane. But they were in separate groups. I walked up so I was closer to them.

"Evelyn," I said

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