Chapter 2: Zero?

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Funimation, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

Elizabeth's Age Is 18 Years Old*

Elizabeth's POV*

I arrived in Japan at Clovis's mansion.

I saw my maid Zaria as I walked through the mansion.

I ordered Clovis's top lieutenant to bring me the specs of the battle when I got to my room that I would be staying in

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I ordered Clovis's top lieutenant to bring me the specs of the battle when I got to my room that I would be staying in.

He did as I asked and I began going over all of the battle between Clovis and the terrorists of this country.

I see that the terrorists somehow managed to acquire multiple Sutherland Knightmares and began picking off Clovis's men squadron by squadron until one of the terrorists some how managed to infiltrate Clovis's personal transport undetected and kill him with a gun shot to the head.

I also noticed movements being made by a cunning master mind who must've been commanding the terrorists.

Though Lloyd's seventh generation Knightmare Lancelot turned the fight in Clovis's failure, it didn't change what happened.

I turned on my rooms TV only to see a report about a honorary Britannian boy named Suzaku Kururugi and that he was being tried for the murder of Clovis but I knew it wasn't true.

I grabbed my things and took a limousine ride down to the compound they were holding him in.

When I arrived all the men bowed before me as I entered the building.

I asked the desk clerk where they were holding Kururugi and they said he was in a interrogation room right now being questioned by Jeremiah Gottwald.

I walked down the hallway and when I got to the room I needed to get to I opened the door and stepped in.

I saw Suzaku Kururugi on the ground and 4 guards for him and Jeremiah.

Jeremiah turned to me and asked "Who are you?".

I said "Princess Elizabeth VI Britannia, 16th heir to his majesties throne now after the death of Clovis.".

Jeremiah quickly bowed as well as the other guards.

I said "Put Mr. Kururugi back in his chair then get out. I wish to speak to him alone.".

Jeremiah said "But your majesty, he-".

I sternly said "I hear one more word out of you and you'll be stripped of all your nobility and cast away from the Brittanian Empire.".

They put Kururugi back in his chair and then left my sight.

I took a seat across from the poor boy.

I looked him dead in the eye.

I saw a murderer, and a boy trying to fight for his people.

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