Chapter 5: The Battle Of Narita.

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Funimation, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

2 Weeks Later*

Elizabeth's POV*

It's been 2 weeks since the hostage crisis and I found myself hanging out with C2 a lot.

She seemed to only like pizza and nothing else which I had no problem with.

I would call them dates but that's only if she would and I'm too much of a coward in relationships to say anything.

I mean that's probably why my ex wife is dead.

I also heard about a spring of Zero attacks that benefited the elevens and stopped crimes.

I was informed that the EU was starting an offensive around the L Elemane Front.

Cornelia headed out to deal with the EU and didn't even say a proper goodbye.

She did however entrust Euphemia with Japen/Area 11.

I was now walking around Ashford Academy with C2 talking about stuff.

I said "I respect what the Black Knights are doing but not under the pretenses their doing it. If they stop crime like they have been doing then why not just join the police or tip off the police?".

C2 said "Because the police are Britannians and the crimes that have been committed are that of Britannian origin.".

I said "I understand that but there has to be a point when even the police who are sworn to fight for justice must step in.".

C2 said "Unless it directly affects them, they won't interfere.".

I said "You're probably right. But I wonder if Zero is trying to invoke change within the police.".

C2 said "Maybe.".

We soon entered the student council office where I saw a girl being attacked by a cat.

I walked over and grabbed the cat off of the girl and put it in a box.

The cat hissed at me but I gave it a stern look and it began to pout and whine.

I turned to the girl and asked "Are you okay?".

She rubbed the back of her head and said "Yeah, thanks. The name is Shirley.".

I shook my head and said "So Shirley, why were you being attacked by this... cat.".

Shirley smiled and said "Yeah, Arthur doesn't like me that much.".

I said "All you have to do is be stern with him.".

We all soon took a seat at the table and began discussing Zero and his Black Knights.

Shirley asked "What constitutes as evil in their eyes?".

I said "The Britannian's who thrive under the suffering or systematic oppression of Japan and it's people.".

C2 said "She's right about that, as long as Britannian's are the root cause of the crime, the police wont step in to do anything which almost makes the Black Knights a necessity to the Japanese people's survival.". 

I said "If this stream of crime continues then their might be some truth in what you speak of.".

Shirley asked "But isn't life better for Japan now?".

I said "Sure it's Geo-political economic structure as been immensely improved under the occupation and obtaining Britannian legal ship is easy but-".

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