Chapter 9: False Pretense Of Peace.

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Funimation, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

1 Week After Chapter 8*

Elizabeth's POV*

I was standing over the application booth to Euphemia's Special Administrated Zone of Japan was to be celebrated in.

I was alone with my thoughts.

I mentally said "This is a disaster! This so called peace Euphemia wants can never be. This zone will only last a few months before either the Britannians or the Japanese riot against it. Dammit, this will put an end to Zero if it happens.".

Suzaku and Euphemia came over to me.

Suzkau said "Over two hundred thousand people have applied to join the Japan special zone. The way things look, that number's only grow.".

Euphemia said "Thanks to you, Suzaku.".

I mentally said "Oh kiss him already Euphemia! I know you want to!".

Euphemia said "Because of what you represent to the Japanese people, everyone is rallying. They believe in what we're doing here.".

I mentally said "Just because they don't know better or how long it'll last.".

Suzaku said "No, you're giving me too much credit. It must be due to your proclamation, Princess. I'm truly thankful for this. I really am.".

Euphemia said "Just as I'm thankful to you. And I hope that you're going to help me with everything that's still to come.".

Suzaku said "Yes.".

She giggled at him and I said "Suzaku. Can I speak with Euphemia alone please.".

Suzaku said "Yes. I'll see you later Euphy.".

He left and I turned to Euphemia.

I said "Euphemia, you must now that this peace you and Suzaku are fighting for can only last for a short while.".

Euphemia said "We'll fight to make it last.".

I said "Fighting won't solve anything, it will only insight more conflict.".

Euphemia smiled and said "We have to try.".

I sighed and said "I will assist you Euphy. But don't blame yourself once the riots start.".

I walked out of the room.

I mentally said "Damn you Schneizel! You're using Euphemia's kindness as a chance to have the terrorists of Area 11 to lose their popularity with the people so that they'll fall apart so that public order will be stabilized. Then at that point will all of my fun be truly gone. And this might as well be a trap for Zero to if he attends is a disgrace to what he's built.".

The Next Day*

I was sitting with Euphemia on stage for the inaugural ceremony of the Special Administrated Zone of Japan.

Euphemia was waiting for Zero to come to us which I thought was a mistake on her part.

Dalton turned to Euphemia and said "Princess Euphemia, It's time.".

Euphemia said "Right." as she stood up and got ready to address the people.

I mentally said "I knew he wouldn't fall for this trap.".

I soon heard the crowd chattering and whispering so I looked up and saw the Gawain descending towards the stage.

I soon heard the crowd chattering and whispering so I looked up and saw the Gawain descending towards the stage

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