Chapter 10: Raid.

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Funimation, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

1 Week After Chapter 9*

Elizabeth's POV*

I was able to fully walk around normally again after a few days of physical recovery.

I saw nothing but the news tearing my sister apart and them worshiping Zero as a savior to Japan or I should say The United States of Japan.

I mentally asked "Was it really worth my dear older sisters death?".

I and Cornelia had to look at our sisters dead body.

Cornelia cried tears of sorrow for Euphemia's loss while I did my best to comfort her afterwards she locked herself up in Euphemia's room.

Schneizel who was in the homeland now was heartbroken at our sisters death and her final action against the Japanese and me.

C2 and I were going slow according to her which meant we had to go as slow as possible in our new relationship.

I was now in the gardens drinking some coffee reading more terrible news about Euphemia.

I finally let my anger out and crumbled it into a ball just before throwing it to the side.

I mentally said "Zero will attack the Tokyo Settlement soon, I'm sure of it.".

I was brought out of my thoughts by Suzaku of all people in his school clothes sitting down across from me.

I asked "Are you all right?".

He shook his head and I said "It get's easier.".

He angrily asked "How would you know?".

I said "I had a wife once whom I cherished and loved a short few years ago. I lost her to some terrorists in the middle east. I let my rage slip and started killing any and all terrorists in the middle east which got me the title scourge of the middle east. Her final words to me were move on with with my life and forget about her. And since that day I've done my best to move on with my life and to forget her as best as I can.".

Suzaku said "I'm sorry about that.".

I said "Before that, I lost my rage when my mother Lady Marianne Consort to his Majesty died to terrorists which sent me down the path of blood and violence in the first place. After that I lost my brother Lelouch and my sister Nunnally here in Japan.".

He looked down and I said "Living with the pain get's easier, whatever you do now don't forsake the wishes Euphemia set forth for you. Now, you should probably get back to school now.".

He nodded and left and I went back to my coffee drinking day.

Later On At Night*

I was brought some news by Zaria that the Black Knights were attacking the Tokyo Settlement like I suspected.

I got up and formed the Merlin around me.

I got up and formed the Merlin around me

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