Chapter 7: Game Of Shadows.

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I don't own Code Geass. All rights go to Sunrise, Funimation, Gorō Taniguchi, and Ichirō Ōkouchi. This Is A Fan Based Parody For An OC.

1 Weeks After Chapter 6*

Euphemia's POV*

Me, Cornelia, and Elizabeth were in Clovis's garden relaxing.

Elizabeth had her head laying on my lap and was sleeping.

Cornelia who was sitting right next to me said "When she's not busy planning every little thing imaginable she looks quite cute don't you think so?".

I nodded and said "Yes.".

Cornelia said "It's been a while since we could spend time like this. There've been so many unexpected events since we came here.".

Cornelia tickled me and I giggled.

Elizabeth shifted in her sleep.

Cornelia said "All of that desk work-- it's making you fat.".

I playfully said "Hey, cut it out. That's not funny!".

We both laughed for a bit before I asked "Cornelia, doesn't this garden look familiar? It's like Lady Marianne's.".

Cornelia said "Now that you mention it...".

I said "I heard Clovis ordered them to build it like this.".

Cornelia said "I'm surprised he liked her villa that much. Since he was always fighting with her son, Lelouch, there. Clovis probably considered Lelouch his rival.".

I said "Be careful of what you say about them around Elizabeth. She's sensitive about their deaths still.".

Cornelia rubbed Elizabeths cheek then said "We need to stabilize this area and capture Zero, fast. To avenge Clovis... as well as Lelouch and Nunnally. This land has taken the lives of three of our siblings. It's soaked in our family's blood.".

1 Week Later*

Ellizabeth's POV*

It was Art Week according to Clovis's decree.

I took C2 to the Clovis Memorial Museum of Art.

I took her around the abstract art exhibits before we made our way to the landscapes which I found particularly beautiful.

I soon came face to face with a painting of my father.

I ignored it and we continued.

A staff member informed me that we had a member of the Japan Liberation Front in custody and he was to be executed.

I told C2 I had to go and she seemed fine with it as I left her to wonder the museum.

One Trip Later*

I was sitting in front of Lieutenant Colonel Tohdoh the miracle of Itsukushima. 

I said "It's been a while since we spoke at that grave of Genbu Kururugi. I didn't do this if that's what you're thinking.".

He said "I figured as much. You don't seem like the type to take an opponent out unhonrably.".

I sighed and said "They wish to execute you Tohdoh.".

He said "I know and I'll face it with no regrets.".

I smiled and stood up then said "I respect that Tohdoh. Facing death with no regrets shows that you lived a perfect life even with war impacting you and for that you have my respect.".

He smirked and said "I'm honored.".

I smirked then headed off.

I had to go back to the museum for a press conference with Euphemia and Dalton.

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