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EDITED BY: pApiTae03

"Hyungs? Are you there?"

"It's me, Jungkook! Please answer!"

You heave a sigh as you pushed past him.

"You really think they're gonna hear your stupid whisper calls?" You huff, making your way up the muddy jungle path back to the point where you previously split up.

"You don't speak unless you're spoken to," he hissed.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" You hiss back.

"Says the captain." He spat before shoving you off his way, taking the lead once again.

Remember Y/n, you can't kill him...


The thought gave you some sort of comfort as you followed the pirate in silence.

"Do you at least remember where we split up?" You ask as you trail to his side.

"We ran straight ahead then down the water fall, so this path will lead us right up from where we jumped," he explained as he glanced at you. "Savvy?"

You just looked ahead and kept walking while he kept sending some signal noises across the jungle, like certain bird noises or whistles.

"What makes you think you're the only ones who know about the chart?" You ask breaking the heavy silence. When you really think about it, if a group of pirates know you had this chart, what makes you sure there's no one out there who knows as well?

Jungkook looks down at you with a smug look, his eyebrow raising and a sly smirk spread on his lips. "What makes you think you're the only one who knew that there was a chart in the first place?"


"What the hell do you mean?" You stop abruptly in your tracks, a sudden fear and anger seeping their way into you as you stare up at him.

"How stupid are you exactly?" He mocked.

Jungkook huffed.

"Oh my, you really are clueless, aren't you?"

"Clueless of what? What are you talking about?"

Jungkook's smirk grew, his eyes widen as he joined his hands together in a clap. His laugh suddenly filled the silent jungles in a high pitched childish laughter, seeming very amused with your situation.

Your anger grew gradually as confusion build up inside you.


"Listen here little mermaid, the only reason you're alive right now is because we found you first." Jungkook muses as he leans against a tree. "The only problem we have is that you're the only one who knows how to read this damned chart, so we let you live," he shrugs. "Other pirates didn't even know your location in that pity island, the ones who do would have killed you on the spot THEN take a look at the chart, thus finding out they wouldn't be able to read it."

"Idiots." He chuckles before speaking again."Which leads us to the ones who actually have a brain and would keep you alive long enough until they get what they want..."

Jungkook's eyes search yours before they scan you top to bottom, a sly smirk makes it's way to his lips as he looked into your eyes once more, "then who knows? Fate is full of surprises."

Seven Seas [ BTS x Reader Pirate AU ] ON HOLD .Where stories live. Discover now