Ch: 6 "Studying"

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You all have every right to be mad that I didn't publish. I'll say it now, schools a bitch. And I didn't have any motivation for this chapter. So yeah, enjoy my poorly written story.


                                                                             Slight smut

Todoroki's p.o.v.

It's been 2 weeks sense me and Katsuki have started dating, we wanted to keep the relationship secret but seeing what happened 2 weeks ago...That didn't happen. But over all I couldn't be happier! 

"Shotou, your on fire." I look over to see my boyfriend staring at me,

"Well of course I am." I say with a light smirk on my lips.

"No, Shotou, Your. On. Literal. F.I.R.E." Katsuki said sternly, I stop and pull my hand into view only to see it on fire. I quickly put my right hand on my let shoulder and put it out. I chuckled and looked over to see my boyfriend shaking his head ever so slightly. I lean over and pull him into a tight hug before kissing his cheek. I watch as a blush creeps it's way across his cheeks. Our moment was ruined, AGAIN, by the "Bakusquad" walking in,

<Conversation style>

Kami: NO! Babe, that's not correct! If you were to put Bakugou and a Pomeranian next to each other...You wouldn't tell the difference.

Kiri: Well-

Kami: NO! Not you too!

Mina: It's ok Kami, I got your back! There. Is. No. Difference!

Sero: Ok, ok jeez.

Sho: ... Um... Hi?

Bakusquad: ...

Kiri: Um... Pretend you didn't here that.

Kami: Wait! We should ask the owner! *runs over to Todoroki* Bakugou looks like a Pomeranian, right?

Sho: ...*looks at Bakugou*... Yeah, i guess.

Kami: HA

 <end of conversation thing>

Reader's p.o.v.

Kaminari threw his arm in Sero and Kirishima's face and yelled,

"HA" The two, in utter surprise just shrugged and walked to the couches. Bakugou looked at his boyfriend and glared before wiggling out of his grip and sitting on the furthest side of the couch they were sitting on. Mina chuckled and sat next to the confused Todoroki. The squad sat there in silence for a little bit before Kaminari pulled out the movie list and looked up one of the movies, which happened to be "IT" the group talked and some of them got up for snacks. 

When the movie started everyone grew quiet, Mina sat with Kirishima, while Sero and Kaminari were being cuddle bugs. Todoroki looked at the pair then at his boyfriend with longing eyes. Bakugou was curled up in a ball trying to keep warm, he didn't want to get up and confront his boyfriend so he, being the hot headed bitch, toughed it out.

When the movie was about half way threw Iida came in and started lecturing everyone on how they should be studying or doing homework. The group ground and started walking to their rooms,

"Hey, I'll hold a study unit and all of us can work together!" Kirishima said a blinding smile on his face. The others agreed, but Bakugou,

"Not sorry extras, me and Todoroki had already planned to study together." And with that he grabbed his boyfriends hand and walked off.

~When the to entered Bakugou's room...~

Bakugou's p.o.v.

I watched as my hetero-haired boyfriend close my door behind us locking it. He walked over to my bed and sat down,

"Are we actually going to study? or..." He asked. I turned to look at him, 

"Did you already study?" He nods 

"Then there's your answer." I said turning to my dresser. As I reached for my phone charger I felt someone behind me(Btw Bakugou's dresser is by his door) I turned to see my boyfriend standing there looking at me,

"Wha-" I was cut off by his lips agents mine. He pushed me agents my door, his hands slowly traveled down to my lower back. My hands wrapped them self around his neck. He licked my bottom lip asking for permission, but I then remembered what he had said earlier. I let him kiss me, but turned down his entrance request. I could feel him frown agents my lips, I smirked ever so slightly, but my smirk soon left when he moved one hand to rub my lower back, just above my boxer line. That was something he knew drove me crazy, I opened my mouth in surprise and he slipped his tongue in. Our tongues danced together after awhile he started to explore every corner of my mouth.

He pulled away and smirked looking at my heated face and the bit of saliva that hung from my mouth.

Todoroki's p.o.v.

He looked beautiful, but he was missing something. I bent my head down to put one last peck on his lips before bringing my hands under his ass and pulling him up so he was taller then me. His blushed deepened and I leaned in and started kissing and licking his neck. He groaned, but pulled his hand over his mouth. I frowned, but I had an idea. Walking over to his bed I pinned him down, putting both of his hands into my grip so he couldn't hide his beautiful sounds. I started kissing lightly on his neck searching for his sensitive spot. After awhile he let out a moan much louder then the others,

"Found you" I whispered softly, before attacking it. After a few more marks were left on my beautiful baby, I pulled back admiring my work. My boyfriend had marks all along his neck and his face was bright red. I smiled and bent down to kiss him one last time.

"I love you my angry Pomeranian" He frowned, but kissed back.

"I love you, too "


So I've never written a smut shot before... I hope you liked it tho.


~Inside Kiri's room~

Reader's p.o.v.

The gang as they were studying heard noises like moans coming from Bakugou's room, threw the walls,

"..." The group sat there unsure of what to do.

"Sure, "Studying" Kirishima said, making the other's chuckle.

"Well shit, they sound like their having fun." A stupid Kaminari said.

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