Ch: 18 Recovery

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Todoroki looked at him and saw the smile that Deku wore knowing that meant Katsuki was safe and alive. He collapsed going unconscious a small smile on his face...

Readers POV

Shoto (I realized I was spelling it wrong.. I suck) groaned feeling a pain in his back as he tried moving but that just caused him more pain. He growled opening his eyes and seeing only the paleness of a hospital room. He sat up quickly looking around trying to remember what had happened, after a moment he remembered causing him to go into a panic. He looked around realizing the 'wall' to his right was a curtain. He reached a hand out throwing the curtain open and letting out a gasp.

"Katsuki.." he breathed seeing his beat up boyfriend laying in the bed next to him. He was covered in bandages his face was more recognizable but still had a few cuts and bruises. Shoto shifted before growling at the pain. He looked down and realized part of it was that he had a broken arm and a fractured rib. He hiss in pain before jumping out of the bed quickly stumbling to the chair beside the others bed.

Shoto collapsed on to the chair with a groan as he adjusted himself leaning against the bed and looking the other over

"Kat- I'm so sorry" he mumbled reaching a hand out to hold the others feeling guilt build up inside him. He rested his uninjured arm on the bed laying his head on it as he waited hoping the other would wake up soon.

<Time skip brought to you by work, it's like 4 hours after Todo moved>

Readers POV

Katsuki shifted slightly wincing at the pain trying to get comfortable. He looked around his vision slightly blurry before noticing the other. He reached a hand out and placed it on the duel user's head letting a small smile on his lips. He layed his head back wincing at the pain from all his wounds his eyes flickering around at the ceiling.

After a few minutes the nurse came in letting out a shocked gasp seeing Bakugou awake. She immediately moved forward making sure not wake the sleeping male as he asked Bakugou questions and tended to any wounds she could reach. Katsuki let out a groan when she moved to check on his I jured head causing the sleeping male to wake.

"Katsuki? Your up!" Shoto said quickly sitting up and rubbing his eyes trying to shake the sleep out of them as he looked at the blonde

"I'm fine, Shoto.. Are- how did I end up here?" Katsuki paused realizing the last place he remembers being in was on the ground unconscious in front of the purple Villian Dabi

"I- We got you ou-" Shoto was cut off by the nurse hushing him and kicking him back to his own bed. Saying something about how the blonde needed to be looked at and how Shoto had his own injuries to be tended to.

~ le time skip to a couple weeks later when their allowed back into their dorms~

Readers pov

Shoto and Katsuki made they're way back to Shoto's dorm both relived to be out of the hospital and Recovery Girl's care. The injuries on Shoto had healed relatively quickly and he only had a few scars present on his body. Bakugou on the other hand had scars all along his body. His torso, legs, arms, and parts of his neck had scars. There was a medium sized scar on the side of his head causing the hair there to be shorter then the rest.

Shoto unlocked his door (btw, they had already been visited and said hi to the others so this is like after that) holding it open as the blonde walked in instantly collapsing on the bed

"I forgot how nice a real bed feels.." the blonde mumbled as the duel user set their things down walking over and laying beside him.

"Me too, my love.. me too" he hummed softly as the other turned to face him cuddling up close letting out a small shiver as Shoto traced his scars. The two stayed in that position for 2 or more hours moving around but staying close to eachother. They wanted to enjoy the others company as much as they could missing each other's touch.


So this was short and sweet. This book will get a bit more angsty I hope and I'll do specials or whatever. I hope to update more sense it's summer, but if you read my announcement you'll know why I'm not. I love you all and thank you for the support ❤️ see you hopefully next week

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