Christmas special(2.0k special!)

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Hey beautiful people who actually read this. This is a Christmas special thing/ a 2.0k special! Thank you all!!!!!!

Reader's p.o.v.

Katsuki was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels when he saw his boyfriend. He paused and went back to the channel watching it carefully. Shotou was in the middle of battling a girl with a quirk that gives her the ability to shape shift into anyone you love. The girl was currently in the form of Shotou's Mum and was mocking him. He looked like he was struggling to take her down, but suddenly he threw a shard of ice at her hitting her in the shoulder. She started to drift back to her original form. He walked over and placed a hand over were the shard was and slowly heated it up. The villain reached out and touched his hand, he veered back in surprise, looking at her with a shocked look on his face as she slowly began to shift into another person. The person she turned into shocked everyone.


"Oh Shotou..." She said with a hurt but sly grin on her face. Bakugou stood up from his seat on the couch, shocked and pissed. Shotou stepped back a wounded look on his face.

"Shotou, what have you done? It hurts!" The villain said a wounded look on her face. Shotou took a step back shaking his head. Bakugou rushed over to their kitchen table and grabbed his phone. Walking back to the TV he dialed Shotou's number. Time seemed to slow as he watched his boyfriend stop and pull his phone out of his pocket. As Shotou answered the phone, 

"He-Hello?" His voice was shaking as he answered.

"Babe, It's me Katsuki. The real Katsuki." He watched as his boyfriends face turned to look at the villain and then slowly over to the cameras on him. He smiled and waved.

"Now Babe I want you to take down that Bitch and then come home. Ok?" He watched his boyfriend smile and nod his head. 

"Ok, I love you and see you soon." He hung up and walked over to the villain a emotionless look on his face. He reached down and grabbed her arm dragging her away. The camera followed him a until he handed her to the cops. Turning he waved and jumped into the air propelling  himself through the sky with his left side(fire thing?) Bakugou smiled and turned the TV off walking into the kitchen to start dinner. 

Reader's p.o.v.

Shotou had already checked in and changed. As he walked out the door of "his" building he saw Izuku and Ejiro walking with their three kids. When Izuku looked up he smiled and hollered,

"Todoroki'kun! Hi!" Todoroki smiled and walked over to them. One of the kids, a sweet little girl named Kai ran up to him and shouted,

"Hi, Uncle Shotou!!" He smiled and patted her head, Ejirou quickly corrected her,

"Kai! I'm so sorry Shotou. Kai Shotou is Uncle Bakugou's Boyfriend. Not Husband. You have to ask if you can call him uncle." Todoroki paused for a second. Then realized that he and Katsuki had been together for 5 years. He looked at Kai and said,

"Thank you Kai, and Yes you should ask, but that's not important." And with that he said good bye and rushed to Katsuki's favorite Jewelry place. (Katsuki likes to wear small accessory's so he shops at a suntan Jewelry place) He walked through the doors and smiled at Author'chan and walked to the small glass window wear a simple but lovely silver thorn ring lay. 

(This is what it looks like)

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(This is what it looks like)

He picked it up and handed it to Author'chan. 

"Oh! Todoroki'chan! This ones Beautiful!" She exclaimed. Todoroki smiled and handed her a respectable amount of money.

"Oh, NO! Todoroki'chan! Keep the money, please." He shook his head and insisted. Knowing that she couldn't convince him otherwise she took the money. He thanked her and started his walk home. 

~Time skip brought to you by Katsuki's amazing cooking~

Bakugou's p.o.v.

I was almost finished with the ham and I needed to set the table. I looked out the window concerned on what was taking Shotou so long. Did he get hurt? Worried thoughts rushed through my head. I quickly walked over to the TV to check if there was any news. I was disappointed to find that there was no news. I sighed and sat back on the couch wrapping myself in the blanket he bought me last Christmas. After a few minutes I heard the timer go off for the ham and slowly got up to get it. I set it down carefully and started to wash up the dishes. As I started I heard the door open. I sighed relived that he was home. I could hear him humming to himself,

"Hey Handsome!" I said when I heard him enter the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around me and gently started to sway. I giggled and swayed with him. He stopped for a moment and started to kiss my neck, I felt my insides melt as he made his way to my cheek. He let one of his arms go off my waist and pull at something in his pocket. I turned the the sink off and started to dry the dishes. I felt his arm slowly creep back around my waist, I hummed softly sway with him once again. He tapped my stomach and I looked down,

"Oh!" I gasped as there sat a beautiful thorn ring. The same thorn ring I had said that would be perfect for a wedding ring. I spun my body around in his arms and looked him in the eyes. He looked back at me before stepping back and getting on one knee. My hands rushed to mouth and I could feel tears start to rush down my face.

"Katsuki Bakugou, Will you do me the favor of being my one and only?" He said a sweet smile on his face. I couldn't speak I was so happy all I could do was nod and cry. He laughed and slipped the ring on my left finger. I almost collapsed from happiness, but Shotou quickly pulled me up.

"Sh-Shot-ou! I- I can't believe it!" I put my hands on his face and kissed him. He laughed into the kiss holding me steady. We stayed like that for a bit before he pulled away and said,

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful Katsuki."


Hello!!!!! Soooooo if you haven't noticed I love bottom and soft Bakugou. So that will show up a lot in my Todobaku story! I hope you enjoyed reading this because I had so much fun writing it! I love you all so much and hope that you have a lovely Christmas! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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