Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Carter’s POV

                Camilla was still at the hospital, they were keeping an eye on her for about a week as she was born a premature. We visited her in the nursery at the hospital every night. But today, Andy and I were setting up the nursery. We were hoping to start the nursery when I was at 35 weeks but I guess that’s not going to happen.

                I was painting the walls while Andy was setting up the last of the baby furniture in the living room. I did one last coat over the final while and I smiled at my gorgeous work. I removed the painters tape, the tarp and I let it dry.

                I walked back into the living room and I passed by a mirror and I still got surprised when I didn’t see the giant soccer ball stomach not on me. I smiled again with a smirk before walking over to Andy who finished the crib.

                He finished it off when he put in the little pink crib mattress. I smiled at the crib and I gave a kiss to Andy. He grinned as he pushed the crib into the nursery. I helped push in the other furniture such as the white sofa chair we could read story books to her in, the book shelves, and the white rug.

                When I got the furniture settled in, we put stuffed animals and children’s books on the book shelves. Andy put a stuffed bear in the crib and I smiled at it. He was so cute. I put a little iHome on a shelf so I could play music for her.

                We would hang up wall decorations later. But tonight, we were picking up our baby, taking her home. The band hadn’t been able to meet her, let alone Jordyn and Johnnie. “Today we get our baby!” Andy said excitedly as he gave me a quick hug and kissed my head. “I haven’t held her in such a long time and I miss her so bad.” Andy whined as I giggled and kissed his temple.

                “I miss her too. And I can’t wait to hold her.” I said to him. “Come on, let’s go pick her up.” I grinned as I grabbed my purse. Andy already had his keys and wallet in his hands. I grinned at the overly enthusiastic father.

                We walked downstairs which felt amazing now that a big load was off me and now could be in my arms. We got into the car, drove there, all that stuff that we seem to do a lot. When we got to the hospital I had never seen Andy write so fast on the sign in sheet before.

                Finally greeted by the same nurse that we met on the night Camilla was born. She didn’t even ask what we needed, she knew what we needed. She took us to the nursery and she walked in. I saw her walk to the box that read: CAMILLA DOE BIERSACK in big bold letters.

                She walked out and she handed the baby to Andy. “Just sign her out and your good to go!” She said cheerfully. We nodded a thank you and we walked out and back to the lobby where I signed us out. Andy seemed lost with Camilla so I decided to text everyone to come over.

                When we got to the car Andy sighed as he had to hand the baby to me which made me giggle. “Don’t hog my baby.” I giggled as I kissed her head. “She smells like new baby smell.” I teased at him.

                “Don’t rub it in.” He whined which made me laugh even harder. He drove us back to the apartment while I continued to play with her as she stared into my green and gray eyes. Her eyes were gorgeous and the blue was so bright.

                When we reached our apartment, we went up to our floor by the elevator. I didn’t trust myself on the stairs just yet. We took her inside and I immediately went to the couch and I held her in my arms as Andy joined me. We were smiling down at our baby.

                Our Baby.

                That felt great to say.

                 I heard a knock on her door. Andy took Camilla as I got up to go answer the door. The entire band, Jordyn, and Johnnie were standing there. “Hey.” I smiled as I let the six of them inside the apartment.

                They all crowded around the living room as I sat back down next to Andy. I took a hold of her so they could get a better view of her. Jordyn had a look of an awe and she smiled at Camilla. “Oh my god she’s beautiful.” She gasped.

                “I want to pinch her cheeks!” CC grinned as he petted Batty.

                “She’s gorgeous.” Jinxx smiled, taking Camilla’s small hand

“Thank you.” I grinned at Jinxx.

                “We are blessed.” Andy said, stroking the top of her head.

                “You two will be great parents, you’re already taking such good care of her.” Jordyn smiled as she took another look at her with a smile. It seemed so weird that these normally crazy people were so calm around her.

                “2 more people have to meet her.” I grinned. Our guests knew who it was. They left so I could make my Skype call to Andy’s parents. They knew she was born but we hadn’t sent a photo to them yet. On the third ring, they answered and Andy smiled into the camera.

                “Hey.” He waved.

                “Hey! How are you two?” His mom asked us.

                “Were doing good but we wanted you guys to meet someone.” I grinned. Andy moved the laptop so we could get a better shot of Camilla. “She’s still small but we suspected that when she was born six weeks early.” I shrugged.           

                “She’s beautiful.” His mother grinned.

                “Were really happy she’s in our lives.” I smiled.

                “Now it’s just time to get married.” Andy grinned.

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