Fantasy AU

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"Your highness?" A knock echoed through the room as Lance turned in his sleep. He sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. He looked around the room, a confused expression on his face.


"Your highness, may I come in?"

"O-oh, yeah.."

The bedroom door creaked open and a mullet-headed male walked into the room. He closed the door behind himself and leaned against the wall. He watched as the prince slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed. The prince's fluffy brunette hair bounced slightly as the curls made his expression even more innocent.

"Good morning, your highn-"

"Lance," Keith was interrupted by the tired prince, "I asked you to call me Lance, remember?"

He stood up, his blue, silk pajama bottoms falling low on his hips, the black band of his boxers showing. The attendant blushed as Lance rose his hands in the air and stretched, the hem of his shirt reaching just above his belly button. He walked to the taller boy and pulled his pants up for him.

"You have a meeting with the Princess of Altea in two hours, I suggest you get ready," Keith stepped back again, his hands falling to the side of his red and black uniform.

Lance opened his eyes completely, staring at his personal attendant. Keith wore a red tail coat with a black lace design on it. Underneath was a black button-up shirt and a red tie. He also wore black pants that were tight around his buttocks, a special request made by the prince, of course he would never tell Keith that.

"Y-yeah, can you run a bath for me please, Keithy?" Lance batted his eyelashes cutely as he used the nickname to mention the other male.

"Of course, you- Lance.." Keith's cheeks tinted a light pink as he walked to the Prince's bathroom and turned on the water heater. The bath was already full with water, as it was more of a personal spa than anything.

"Why do you always act so formal around me, it's weird. You're my friend, ya know?" Lance threw his bed slippers into a basket full of other pairs.

"I'm your royal attendant, I'm expected to treat you with the highest authority, other than King Takashi, your older brother."

"Adopted older brother.." Lance emphasized the word adopted as he rolled his eyes. Keith walked back into the room and sat Lance down on the bed. He started to unbutton the other's top.

"I don't understand why you dislike him so much. He's a pleasant human being to be around at that."

"It's not that I dislike him. He just, he expects so much out of me, not to mention he keeps forcing Princess Allura on me. I mean, c'mon! The man's gay! He's got to have at least some idea about my sexuality!"

"Well, Lance, you do insist that we keep this relationship a secrete. Although I do agree with you that it's for the best in the early stages of it.." Keith smirked as he pulled the night shirt off the other boy completely. He slowly started to run his hand along the defined abs of the Cuban male.

Lance cocked an eyebrow at Keith's actions. He hooked his two index finger through the belt loops of the other's pants and pulled him closer. He reached behind farther and groped Keith's ass, earning a slight and silent gasp from the attendant.

Keith ran his hands through Lance's hair as he brought a hand back in front and lifted Keith's shirt up slightly, kissing his stomach, "Bathe with me, Keithy?"

"Lance, you know I'd love to, but I'm not sure right now is the best time. I have to go pick up your new garment from your tailor and then come back and dress you. Not to mention hair and makeup and I just, I can't bathe with you today even though I really really want to and I just-"

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