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Michael woke up and made his bed because that was how he was brought up.

He washed his hands, used the toilet, then washed his hands again because that's what was hygienic.

He had a cold shower at 7:07am because he always had a shower at 7:07am and the water didn't come on till half past.

He dried his hair again and again because once was never enough to be sure that he wouldn't get ill from wet hair.

After getting dressed, he poured himself exactly 50g of cereal and 0.6l of milk because it gave you the perfect taste.

Before he ate, he washed up his measure equipment because they were dirty and that's how it works.

Michael threw away his untouched breakfast because he'd spent so long washing and drying up that the cereal had gone soggy and that wasn't how it was meant to be.

He tied his shoes over, 4 times because even though they were perfect the first time, they weren't.

He locked his flat and checked it was locked before finally plodding down the stairs at 8:56am...then running back up the stairs to make sure he had locked the door because sometimes he didn't even though he always did.

Michael has done this for the past 11 years because he needs to. If he didn't...

Pretty short chapter sorry

I swear it will get better...i hope

O.C.D/||\ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now