Lifeless Love (complete)

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Lifeless Love

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Ch.1 how it began

My name used to be Martha Wallace and I was 18 when my life ended. I once lived with my two younger brothers named Kyle and Zack. Our father he was a short man with a baldhead, a round face, red cheeks, and a scruffy brown beard. He always talked with a rough tone except when his was talking to a pretty woman, or a client, and then it always seemed to smooth out. Father worked as a trader he would trade anything animals, slaves, furniture, and food. He even traded our mother for a pig and then traded it for a bottle of rum not one of his best trades. When our mother left I was left all alone to take care of Kyle and little Zack. I didn't take care of father, but he didn’t care so it was just my brothers and I. My little brother Zack he was a cute little chubby boy, dopey brown eyes, and soft wavy blonde hair also he was down syndrome. Father hated him calling him a curse; also he would call me a witch for protecting him. Kyle was 16 years old; he was a tall, bulky, yet healthy, his face had soft features, and blonde haired boy along with slanted brown eyes, also highly intelligent. Kyle had caught the eye of almost every girl in our little town by using his deep, smooth, charming voice. This went straight to his head already swelled head and made him even more arrogant. He spent most of his days flirting with every girl who happened to pass by. When he would come home he would usually insult the way I was looking, and then order me around like a slave there was no use stopping him; I would try and then father would find out, and then he would beat me in a drunken state saying,

“He is my only real child; I will not have a witch trying to control him!”

I would have run away if it hadn’t been for my sweet little Zack. He couldn’t say much, but he usually got his point across.

I am not like my so called brother Kyle I am not that pretty, my voice sounds as charming as a goose when its getting its feathers pulled out, also my brown hair is in knots, I'm not healthy looking, and I’m covered head to toe in dirt and mud; the only except able feature is my blue eyes. I’m okay with the way I look because it means more time with my little Zack, which was worth it. Zack’s favorite place is a little pond outside of the town it leads off into a swamp. Other then splashing in the water the main reason he likes the pond so much is the ducks, or that he gets to feed them sometimes. He always tries to pet them, but they run away from him so he can't. Other than looking after Zack I would go and work for the most dreadful old bat in the village, Mrs. Blackthorn she has a skeleton like figure, a pointed noise and long boney fingers, also a creaky voice to match her appearance, and she is a widower. She should have died years ago when the first pilgrim set foot on America, but somehow she had survived all the way to the Revolutionary War. I’m really joking, but if you saw her you wouldn’t think so. She pays me for house hold chores like gardening and sweeping, but while I’m doing these things she is always standing over me complaining about something I’m doing wrong or about her health problems. The only joy in life is when I come home to see Zack’s shining face like when I come through the door and he chortles wanting to go watch the ducks.

One day I came home and Zack wasn’t there. I saw Kyle with a satisfied smile on his face, and then something in my stomach started to churn. Before I could speak he said,

“Don’t worry about the little beast, I let him go outside.”

Fear went spearing through my body “YOU DID WHAT!!!!!”

Where the only words I could muster which surprisingly turned into a scream.

“Yes, he was making such a mess trying to hug me; he even got dirt on my new shirt so I put him outside.”

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