How Could You!

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Text Exchange between Emma Malfoy and James Potter

Hey I just saw you run
passed my house is
everything okay?

James 🙁
Yeah everything's fine

Okay but when u say fine
it usually doesn't mean that

I'm still your best friend

Even if we haven't been
hanging out a lot recently

James 🙁
No serious everything is fine

No it's not 😡

You know where to meet me

≿—------——------- ❈ —------------———-≾

Emma waited in the field for an hour but James never showed up. She was genuinely worried about him and what was going on. She knew that one of the reasons they stopped talking was because of Jay. Her Jay. But for the life of her, Emma couldn't figure out why.

Another ten minutes went by and Emma was about to give up. As she walked towards the door to go back down the dirt trail, a figure stepped through. James. His eyes were red and his cheeks stained with tears. Emma's faces dropped the moment she saw him.

"Blimey James what happened?" She said running over to him, cupping her hands around his face to examine the tears.

"N-Nothing.. I'm fine."

"No your not. Sit down and talk to me. You know you can tell me anything."

    Emma helped James as he stumbled over to a tree stump. She knelt down in front of him, holding his hands as he stared into space.

    "I uh... I just saw my girlfriend snogging Darian Flint."


    "I was walking down the street trying to think of my next prank with Fred and I decided to go to Tracy's cause she always has good ideas and I saw her snogging Darian though her bedroom window.Gosh I feel like an idiot! How could I fall for her! I told her I loved her and she didn't say it back!"

    Emma grabbed James' shaking arms making him stare at her, his breath quickening by the second. "You are not an idiot!"

    The two stared at each other in silence as James' breath began to go back to normal. "Merlin's beard James we need to stop seeing each other like this. Crying is not flattering on you."

    James scoffered at her comment as he wiped away the tears. She sat next him, sharing the tree stump he sat on. "Yeah we do..." He looked over at his best friend. She smiled back at him. That warm smile that made James' heart melt every time. If only she knew....

    "Can we agree to go back to our regular conversations? I miss my best friend," she said, taking his hand and grazing her thumb over his.

    "What about Jay?"

    "What about him? I can have a boyfriend and a best friend you know. I'm not mutually exclusive to one."

    James didn't know how to respond without seeming jealous. Hell, we was jealous, but she didn't need to know that. "Yes we can go back to being besties."

    "Ugh don't call me your bestie you know I hate that word!" Emma said, playfully hitting her arm.

    "Whatever you say bestie," he replied, resting his head on her shoulders.

    James felt Emma lay her head against his and for the first time in months, everything seemed to be going back to normal.

≿—------——------- ❈ —------------———-≾

Text Exchange between Jay Finnegan and Emma Malfoy

Jay 😎
Ive been trying to text
you all day where r u???

Sorry I've been with

Jay 😎
James? Why are you
with James??

Em 🥰
I saw him crying and running
past my house I had
to see what was wrong

Why is it so bad I'm with
him he's my best friend

Jay 😎
Idk you just talk about
him a lot

It gets annoying sometimes

Cause he's my best friend
and he stopped talking to
me for like three months

I had no new
memories to latch onto

Jay 😎
Okay I'm sorry just forget
I said anything

What was he crying
about anyways

Em 🥰
I can't tell you it's personal

Jay 😎
Oh come on you can
tell your boyfriend😏

Not this time Jay

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