The Devil's Dirty Work

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Text Exchange between Jay Finnegan and Tracy Parkinson

You hate James
For breaking things off

Jay why are you texting me.

you hate him right
After he saw you with Darian
he broke things off
Even though you loved him

Yeah I did
It's the only reason we
pretended to date for that
NewYears party
you know that

It makes me so mad to see
him with Emma

Yeah she broke up with me
to be with James
It's fucking stupid

We can't do anything
about that Jay

Or can we
I have a plan that will let
us get revenge on Emma
and James AND split them
up in the process
You in?

You had me at plan

≿—------——------- ❈ —------------———-≾

    It was a normal afternoon for James. He had driven Lily to Matt's house, watched the Manchester football game on the television, and now he was at a coffee shop reading a book Emma had recommended. As James flipped the page of what felt like a never ending story, a figure sat down at his table.

    "Tracy... I didn't expect to see you here," James said surprised.

    "Yeah well it is a public coffee shop," Tracy responded in a flirtatious tone. "How's life with the new girlfriend?"

    "Good... she actually recommended me this book."

    "The Handmaid's Tale? I didn't peg you as the type to read muggle books."

     "Well Emma likes them so...." James felt really awkward talking to his ex.

    "You never likes the books I talked about," Tracy said, grazing her hand back and forth across James' hand.

     James felt frozen in his place. What game was she playing? "Well, um..." he started trying to focus. "You only like books about dark wizards taking over the world. Wasn't really my type of book."

      "Well at least she got you reading. That's her over there isn't it?"

     James was confused. He looked over his shoulder to see a blonde girl, a little older than him, paying at the register; it definitely wasn't Emma.

     "Oh, must be some other dumb blonde..." Tracy commented as her hands retreated under the table. "Well I better get going, it was nice to see you James," she said with a wink, getting up from his table.

    James furrowed his brows in disgust at the comment she made. He took on long sip of his coffee and went back to his book, trying to ignore his ex girlfriends who was invading his thoughts.

       As Tracy leaves the coffee shop she looked back over her should at James. Any minute now... she thought. When she got outside she heard a voice calling after her. She smirked.
    "Tracy! Wait!"

    She turned around to see a disheveled James running after her. "Yes?" She said trying to sound innocent.

     "I forgot to give you something."

    "And what would that be?"

    Without warning, James pushed her against the wall, trapping her with his arms. He wasted no time to smash his lips on to hers. It felt urgent, like it was a force drawing him closer to her. Tracy kissed him back, moving her hands to play with his hair.  Their lips parted slowly as James dropped his hands to him sides.

Tracy smirked at him as she said," I'll call you."
She walked away and down the street into her car parked outside a bank, not looking back at her ex. A couple minutes later, Jay got into the car next to her.

"Did you get it?" She asked him.

Jay nodded and played a video on his phone of Tracy and James making out from a nearby bush. She smirked at the footage he took.

"Perfect," she said as she took a vial out of her bag. "Thanks for the love potion. That really made things easy."

"Anytime," he responded.

Without saying anymore, Tracy turned the car on and they sped off, a video in their hands and a plan in their heads.

≿—------——------- ❈ —------------———-≾

It's_Over look who was caught outside the coffee shop earlier today 👀 [tagged @James_P @Tracy_Parkinson @Em

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It's_Over look who was caught outside the coffee shop earlier today 👀 [tagged @James_P @Tracy_Parkinson @Em.Malfoy]

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A/N: So.... Just a warning that the rest of this story is gonna be really basic and cliche with a bad plot cause I literally did not know how to end this 😂 Sorry in advance- Em

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