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David's POV
it was midnight and me and Natalie just got home from filming all day. We've been getting closer and I enjoy her company.. it's gotten to the point we're we haven't really left each other's side. As soon as we got home we went straight to our rooms. I went to mine she went to hers. I wasn't really tired so I just got to editing. I turned on the tv and set it to low volume and focused on editing. I didn't want to feel empty in my room. 30 minutes later I hear a knock on my door.

Natalie's POV
I couldn't fall asleep I wasn't tired, yeah we filmed all day but I was mostly sitting down watching David film. I wanted to be with David. Maybe I could fall asleep while he was editing so I didn't feel alone in my room.. I was contemplating it.. I was nervous to go because I thought he would make fun of me, but at this point I just wanted to be with him, so I got up and knocked on his door..

David: what's wrong? Are you okay?

He asked me and he seemed so concerned with me

Natalie: I'm okay I just can't fall asleep
David: and what does that have to do with me ?
Natalie: well I came too see if I could stay here
David: to sleep?
Natalie: if you're okay with it?
David: yeah sure

and like that he let me in. I saw he was editing so I tried not to distract him.. I just laid down next to him and watched the tv and occasionally looked over at him. He's gotten more attractive since high school if I'm being honest I thought to myself.. I started thinking of David.. of how sweet he his, genuine, and happy.. I mean heck I get in a better mood when I'm with him.

David: hey can you watch this edit and tell me if it's good
Natalie: sure

I scoot closer to him and I watch the edit.. by the end of the edit I didn't realized my head was on his chest and my arm was wrapped around his waist.. he was looking at me while smiling..

David: do you just want to watch a movie with me instead. I'm tired of editing it's too consuming
Natalie: I can help you if you want
David: no it's okay
Natalie: then what movie do we watch
David: any

We put on a random movie and we start watching it. David gets up and turns off the lights. Maybe 20 minutes into the movie I noticed that me and David got comfortable.. maybe way to comfortable.
We were spooning. He's big spoon I'm little spoon. His arms were
wrapped around my waist and my body against his. Let me spice things up I thought. I decided to move closer to him.. my back side was pressed against his lower half. I move in a circular motion against his body two or three times, and then I felt something poke me.

David's POV
me and Natalie were watching a movie.. we got comfortable with each other and then I felt things become more heated.. I mean I like her in every way possible and I want her but I don't want to do something that would make her feel uncomfortable.. but she began to tease me more and more. If she's teasing me, why can't I tease her back I thought? So I did.. I decided to grab her waist and push her as close to me as possible, then I pushed my hips towards her. I tried to be very discreet about it. I tried not to get too heated. I wanted her. I craved her. But I don't want to force anything but I can't help myself. As I did that motion I heard a soft little moan come from natalie. was I dreaming? was I hearing right.

Natalie's POV
fuck.. David's catching on... I want him but I don't want his view of me to change. I don't want him to think I'm a creep but he's pulling me closer to him and thrusting his hips slowly towards me. He had caught me off guard.. should I let myself go I thought? Should I just turn to him and tell him what I want? That I want him. I was contemplating for a good minute. My final decision was made. I wanted him more than ever.
As the movie was playing I flip onto my other side. i was facing him. we made eye contact with each other. I proceeded to get on top of him. My legs were straddling him while he was laying down.

David's POV
I don't know what just happened but I like it. Natalie's on top of me. that's bold of her. I was so confused. Was I just given a chance?

David: what are you doing
Natalie: shh let it happen

she started kissing me. It went from soft kisses to progressively getting more passionate and heated. We kept on kissing until I pulled away

David: are you sure you want to do this??
Natalie: I've been wanting to do this
David: fuck me too..

I knew what my plan was. It's time to act on it. I grabbed Natalie by the waist flipped her over and now I was the one on top of her. My hands were pining her down. I was kissing her.. desiring her more and more by the minute. As each minute passed I felt myself become harder than ever. I slowly managed to take off her shirt. I left her in just her bra. I was admiring her beauty.

Natalie: why'd you stopped
David: I want to admire your body. you're beautiful

with that I kissed her once more while taking her bra off.

Natalie's POV
David has taken charge and at this point I'm feeling all sorts of things. I didn't know he was so experienced... I noticed that this entire time David has managed to make me feel good. Now it was my turn. I flipped him again once more.. my hands were now going to his pants.. As soon as I put my hand in I feel him all around... he's wet and so fucking hard. I pull his pants down along with his boxers and wow.... he was big... I was completely in shocked. I slowly started going down on him and right when I was
going to blow him I looked up at him. I looked at him with desire and I pushed my hair aside.. I take him in.. im bobbing my head back and forth while watching him go insane. his eyes rolling back and his head moving up..

David: fuck fuck you're good.. oh my god.. I can't.... oh no no... fucking shit..

David's POV
fuck..me. I can't believe this is happening right now.. she makes me feel so good right. I didn't even know she was a lil freak inside. I'm coming I tell her.. and within seconds I did.. she swallowed my whole load..
David: I'm impressed
Natalie: what
David: you just ate my children
Natalie: shut up

She was laughing. It's my turn to satisfy her. I grab her and lay her down. slowly but surely I kiss her each time but going down and down with every soft gentle kiss. I take off her shorts.. I teased her a little pushing my fingers in her. Driving her insane. Then I pull her underwear down..

David: are you sure you want to do this
Natalie: yes daddy

as soon as she called me daddy I got harder than I was.. I grabbed the condoms I had in my drawer slipped it on and line myself up against her. I look at her once again to make sure she was okay with it and once she gave me a yes I slowly push my tip in. she moans. fuck. I look at the view I have. it's Natalie laying fully naked with part of me inside of her. I was thinking of just slamming into her but fuck I didn't want to hurt her. I pull out and push back In slowly.. as time went on I was thrusting in her faster and faster by the minute.. I was driving her insane

Natalie: fuck me... oh my god...
David: you're so fucking tight

Natalie was becoming out of breath gasping for dear life

natalie: dick me down.. daddy...

the way she was talking she was going to make come any time again..

Natalie: go faster... don't stop... fucking shit David.... I'm close

Natalie's POV
I don't know much longer I can last. David can fuck good if I'm being honest.. not only is he experienced but he was so huge.. I'm coming anytime soon..

Natalie: I'm coming

and with that David pushed his limits and thrusted into me so hard and fast...
as our climaxes have been reached he lays down next to me we're both out of breath waiting for each other to calm down.

david: shit that was so good
Natalie: I'm impressed
David: what can I say

I roll my eyes at him and we fall asleep next to each other.. next morning I wake up and I'm soo sore I can barely walk.. but I magaged my way to survive..

okay this was my first time writing
Smut and this is just weird for me because I felt like I didn't know how to explain anything. Cuz like idk it's different experiencing it then writing about it I hoped you enjoyed it ? I'll try
And improve later on 😂

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