teenage fever pt2

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Natalie's POV
I get in the car with David. The whole scene was messy. We just danced together which is something we don't do and then he asked me to leave with him and to forget about the others. It's just seemed so unreal.
We're now driving in downtown LA. Just me and David. It's quiet except for the low mellow music that was in the background. Although I did notice David would glimpse at me every now and then. I've always wanted this but how could this be happening right now. Why was it happening? But I didn't want to over think it. I just wanted to enjoy this moment I have with him. My thoughts get caught off when I look down at my hand. David was holding my hand as he was driving. I look up at him but he doesn't look back at me. Slowly he let go of my hand and gripped my thigh. The timing was perfect when you heard the lyrics of the song go

Get in the ride
Left hand is steering the other is gripping your thigh
Light up a spliff and get high
Shawty you deserve what you been missing

I grabbed his hand and just held onto until we got home.

David's POV
We get home and I just want to spend time with her. I'm alone with her and I finally have her all to myself.

David: go change into something comfortable and then go into my room
Natalie: why?
David: so we could watch movies together
Natalie: boring
David: I'll have snacks ready
Natalie: be right back

Natalie's leaves to go change and I clean up my room as fast as possible. I bring all her favorite snacks. I turn off the lights I have a movie already playing. I realized I didn't change into something comfortable. I take off my shirt and my pants and look for a random shirt to wear... and then Natalie walks in on me wearing just my boxers.
Natalie: oh shit I'm sorry I'll be back
David: no it's fine you can come in
Natalie: okay.. sorry
David: it's okay
Natalie: do you need help finding a shirt?
David: uhh

Natalie started walking towards David and grabbed a random shirt. She stood close as she could be with David. Her body pressed against his. Specifically against his crotch

David: uhem thanks
Natalie: no problem. Now come on let's watch this movie.

we go to lie down next to each other watching the movies while she's eating that snacks I brought her. It's the little things that matter. Right now it's just me and her.. enjoying the moment. no distractions. nothing to get in between us right now.

Natalie's POV
It's nice relaxing right now.. David's by my side and nothing else matters. My best friend, my one and only. I know he's stealing glances at me because I'm seeing him from the corner of my eye. I know I was over reacting at the party but right now that it's just me and him.. it reassures me that no one else can get his attention.
can I get his? who knows

Natalie: Dave
David: yes
Natalie: I'm cold

I scoot closer to him. My body against his.
I'm starting to get tempted.

David's POV
that move caught me completely off guard. But, I know what she's doing I'm not dumb. So why not tease back. Since we were obviously spooning I rub the side of thigh while pushing her closer to me.
David: this movies boring
Natalie: I agree.. it needs more action.
David: yeah? What kind of action.?
Natalie: like this

Natalie's POV
It's now or never I'm going after what I want and right now it's david. I might regret it later but fuck it I'm living in the moment.

Natalie: like this


what will happen next? the next chapter is the final one shot of "teenage fever" I'm sorry if this one was bad but I felt like the next one had to be juicy..

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