try me

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Natalie's POV
a week has passed by since me and David kissed. We haven't talked about it and we try to avoid that talk. I've liked him since forever but he doesn't feel the same. That kiss was just an accident. We were both drunk from a stupid party we attended,
he probably doesn't remember it..
flashback ⬇️
David: let's go upstairs
Natalie: ok

I hold his hand while we go upstairs

david: you look pretty tonight
Natalie: don't I always
David: you're not wrong... no compliment for me?
Natalie: I mean you look good... you've had my attention this entire night...
David: Really?
Natalie: yeah you do.. you have my attention right now since you're standing so close to me
David: should I back up
Natalie: no I like you this close
David: would you like this?
he says as he walked closer to me, cupped my cheeks with his hand and kissed me.. it was passionate.. heck it got so intense he was pushing me closer and closer to the bed that was in the room we were in, but we got interrupted by some random stranger walking in.
flashback ends ⬆️
Ever since that kiss I have craved him more, but he's so stupid he probably doesn't realize I'm into him. Ever since that day he's been bitchy to me though. I try not to get so upset about it but it's hard when the one person you want is being an asshole. Everyday he has been so demanding and lashes out on me when I get something wrong, but when you love someone so much it doesn't matter. But I've had enough today...

David: why are you doing everything wrong? Can't you get one thing right for once! I don't have to babysit you
Natalie: what the fuck is the matter with you?
David: I think I should be asking you that question.. the matter is that you don't get shit done right
Natalie: are you fucking serious?
David: yes I am
Natalie: so everything I've done doesn't mean shit to you? I fucking stress myself out for you..

David's POV
it's been a week since I've kissed Natalie and I don't know what to do. should I confess my feelings for her or is that dumb? I don't know what to do or how to deal with my emotions. I'm so confused. One day she gives me hints the other she doesn't. One day flirts with me the other flirts with Jeff. I'm upset because ever since that incident I've been thinking about her nonstop.. thinking about the night we kissed. I want to make a move but at this point I'm so fucking frustrated that everyone tries to hit on her and she lets it happen.
Natalie:so everything I've done doesn't mean shit to you? I fucking stress myself out for you..
David: you're my assistant
Natalie: is that all I am to you?

Natalie's POV
tears began to fall down. It was quiet for a minute.

Natalie: go fuck yourself. Find yourself someone who does what i do. Oh wait you can't because no one wants to be around an asshole who doesn't appreciate shit
David: you don't mean that
Natalie: I don't know. Do I ?

I walked to my room, slammed the door and just drowned in my own tears. Does he not realize how much his words hurt me. Am I just an assistant to him? am I even something to him. It doesn't matter.. I don't matter... I have to forget about David.

David's POV
fuck what did I do.. She's right... I'm a fucking asshole... I don't deserve her. Why am I being such a dumbass.. I don't know if I should give her time or just leave it.

two days have passed since my fight with Natalie. Everyone in the vlogsquad noticed Natalie doesn't talk to me or even look at me.

Jason: you should talk to her
David: what do you mean
Jason: whatever happened between you and nat fix it. You guys don't even talk
David: I want to
Jason: why don't you
David: i don't know.. scared probably
Jason: what is she going to do? Kill you?
David: maybe
Jason: nice knowing you boss
David: I'll see when I'll talk to her.

It's 6pm and it's just me and Natalie.. maybe I should talk to her right now. I walk up to the couch to see her. Can we talk? I say sitting down next to her. What the fuck do you want she said. Get away from me. She gets up and walks towards the kitchen. No nat please can we talk? This time I ran behind her. "Now you want to talk to me? She said.

Natalie's POV
Really? Now he wants to talk and be nice to me for once?

David: nat....
Natalie: what?

It was quiet
Natalie: are you just going to waste my time?
David: I'm sorry

wow... apologetic David?

Natalie: sorry about what?
David: everything
Natalie: what's everything?
David: for being a fucking asshole to you.. I don't deserve you.. it's just I don't know why I was being an asshole to you. I guess I was just trying to push my feelings away for yo-

David's POV
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck did I tell her I had feelings for her? Oh no no .... what have I done.. I just made a fool of myself.. you know what.. no. I'm taking my chance right now. If not now when?

Natalie: what did you just say?
David: fuck this... I was being an asshole because I didn't know how to deal with my emotions.. for fuck sakes nat.. I've fucking liked you for the longest time... I've been thinking about you since forever... I've been thinking about the kiss we had last week. You've consumed my mind.. you're on it everyday. I was being an asshole because I thought maybe I could push my feelings away.., but I can't it was dumb of me treating you like shit when you deserve the best.. you do so much for me and I just don't deserve you.. I love you... and I just don't know how to control myself

Natalie's POV
did he really mean all of this? I've been waiting for this moment for so long I don't know how to react

Natalie: I.... I... I don't know what to say because look believe it or not I feel the same way you do.. I've liked you since forever but I can't be treated the way you treated me... it's not fair that you treat me like shit and then realize you want to tell me you like me.... your words fucking hurt me.. and you think you can make it go away by saying sorry?
David: I know I know it's not perfect timing but I just don't know what to fucking do.... I'm frustrated because I fucking want you nat. I want you to be mine and mine only. But I get that you might not want me but I'm fucking sorry I don't know what else to say..
Natalie: prove it to me.. prove to me that you're sorry.. prove to me that you truly like me...
David: but do you feel the same way... it's okay if you say no
Natalie: I do, but sometimes you make it hard to have a good time
David: I know... I'm sorry, but if I'm going to have to prove things I might as well start off by doing this.

David's POV
I want to win her over. I want to be the one she calls lover..

David: I might as well start off by doing this.

I push her against the golf table. I feel her tensing up. I look at her up and down.. she raises her knee up to crotch

David: don't you temp me, but I'm ready to go all the way if you let me..
Natalie: try me.....

ahhh hoped you guys enjoyed this one shot ! ❤️

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