teenage fever pt.3

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David's POV
Natalie: like this

Natalie got up and sat herself on my lap, her hands reached under my shirt and she leaned forward and kissed my neck. A couple of seconds passed.

David: fuck this

I flip us over now it's me hovering over her. The one that's in charge of making her feel good. I kiss her all over her neck and slowly reach to her bottom half. Once I reach for her stomach, my hands go under her sweatshirt and I take it off her. She reaches for my shirt and takes it off.

David: you look so fucking good...

I kiss her gently from her neck all the way to her crotch. As I give her one last kiss before I pull her shorts down she lets out a soft moan

Natalie: Dave
David: yes
Natalie: fuck me

I yank her body close to the edge of the bed, pull her shorts down along with her panties. Her legs wrapped around my head, her screams getting higher and higher.

Natalie: I'm almost
David: shh

As she comes down from her highs I rip her shirt off from her and flip her..
David: thick ass

Natalie's POV
I didn't know he had this inside him but fuck he made me feel so good. I'm lying on my stomach, my knees are holding my position. I feel him slap my ass
Natalie: mhm fuck
David: let me make you feel good

David's POV
I'm not going to go slow this time. I'm slamming in her full force.
Natalie: Oh fu-fu-fuck
David: you like that
Natalie: yes daddy.. I love riding you

I slap her ass as I'm going in and out of her. Fuck she looks so good in this position. Right now I have the power of destroying her body, making her feel good.

Natalie: I don't know if I can la-last long-longer
David: oh really?

I slam into her harder once last time.
Natalie: oh my fucking gOD

We both hit out climax, coming down from our highs I flip her over one last time. She's lying on her back now. I lean over and start sucking her neck, leaving love scars

Natalie: jesus.. holy fuck
David: is that alright

I start feeling her body. Rubbing my hands up and down her breast. I taste her on my tongue.. every inch of her.

It's crazy what you do for a friend.

IM SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER TO POST but I finally did! Hoped you enjoyed this lil smut. Comment down if you have any suggestions for the next one shot!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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