Hard To Love

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Kiba was sat in a stool viciously biting an apple when Sakura approached him "What?" Kiba asked rudely "What happened?" Sakura asked "What're you talking about?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about" She said with her arms crossed, Kiba rolled his eyes "Look if it's about the Naruto thing, I don't want to talk about it" He said getting up and tossing the apple over his shoulder, "Kiba, you need to control your anger!" she said catching up to him and yanking his arm out of his pocket causing him to turn around, "I know! I get it! I'll be more cool next time, I don't need people controlling my life" Sakura raised her fist and punched him, people turned their heads to see the Inuzuka fly to the floor, he shook his head "What the hell?!" "Listen for once, would you?!" She yelled, Kiba got up and dusted himself off and started to walk away like nothing happened "Kiba!!" She ran after him and yanked his hood, when he turned he had a sad look in his eyes "A-Are you okay? I'm sorry if I punched you too ha-" "That's not it" Kiba said with a small crack in his voice "I just can't do this anymore" He said with tears in his eyes "Do what?" She asked "This! I need to tell Hinata today!" "Why do sudden?" "It's just so hard to watch the person you love, love someone else" Sakura was shocked as she watched a tear stream down Kiba's cheek, Kiba squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his face roughly, "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me.." Kiba said with a sniffle "I never cry in front of people" he said closing his eyes and giving a wide fake smile, Sakura nodded "It's okay" She said before hugging him, Kiba was confused for awhile but hugged back, he really needed one, he let go and nodded "Thanks" and with that he left.
Kiba threw his clothes around, he finally found a black sweater and put it on, he ran into the living room, it was raining hard outside "I have to tell her" He said to himself, he couldn't wait any longer he needed to confess his love to Hinata already, he picked up his shoe and was about to put it on but there was a knock on the door "Huh? Who'd come to my house in this weather?" His mom and Hana were on a mission so they won't be back til' next week, he walked over and opened the door "H-Hinata..!" "H-Hi Kiba-kun" Hinata said "C-Come in" Kiba said letting her in and shutting the door, he took of his sweater and hung it up "What're you doing here?" "I-I came to see you" a small smile formed at Kiba's lips "Why now?" "I felt r-really bad about the other day" She said "I'm sorry" "It's okay... Whatcha got there?" Kiba asked pointing at the basket in Hinata's hands "W-Well, we haven't hung out in a long time... so I was thinking m-maybe, movies and snacks..?" Kiba's expression changed to a sorta shocked expression, he then smiled and chuckled "Sure, make yourself comfortable!" Kiba said with a bright smile "Okay" Hinata smiled as she took off her sweater and shoes and sat on the couch as Kiba brought blankets "Thank you" "No problem" he said with a wink, this was a good chance to tell her. He can't mess it up.
They were on the couch watching a scary movie, it was dark and silent til a scary thing popped up causing Kiba's eyes to widen and Hinata to jump and grasp his arm, Kiba looked at his arm and smiled "I'm gonna go make more popcorn" He said as Hinata nodded holding the blanket to her face, he waited for the popcorn as he looked into the living room, Kiba started to think about the first time they met.. He's so lucky to have met her, he doesn't know what he'd do without her, she changed him, but little does he know that he changed her too, the microwave beeping interrupted his thoughts he took the bag out and walked back to the living room as he opened it, he sat down making Hinata scream, Kiba laughed "It's okay Hinata! It's just me!" She looked at him and chuckled "O-Oh" He was still smiling, he looked into her eyes and his smile faded he felt everything stop as he got lost into her eyes, Hinata was looking at him too and was flushed red, Kiba's never been so close to Hinata's face before, they were only inches apart, Hinata stared into Kiba's eyes too as his pupils dilated, Kiba's heart was beating fast, he swallowed hard. Now. He said to himself, he slowly leaned in and closed his eyes and connected his lips to Hinata's.
*Hinatas POV*
I got a little embarassed and gave a chuckle "O-Oh" I said, as Kiba gave a smile, his smiles were so friendly and warm, I then noticed his smile faded and he was looking into my lavender eyes, I could feel my cheeks heating up, I saw his pupils dilate as his mouth slightly hung open, I didn't know what do to, should I say something? Should I look back to the TV screen? I've never been so close to him before, I looked at his lips, I wonder what they taste like, Hinata stop! You like Naruto, I shook it off and looked at Kiba, I was going to say something but before I could, he pressed his warm lips on mine, colliding them together.
*End of POV*
Kiba couldn't believe it he was kissing the love of his life! He was feeling butterflies in his stomach, he then felt Hinata kiss back and wrap her arms around his neck as he put his hands on her waist, Is this a dream? Kiba thought to himself, he felt time stop and he felt that they were the only people in the world, the kiss was pretty long until Hinata realized she was doing something wrong, she pulled away and got off his lap, she honestly doesn't know how she ended up on his lap "Kiba.." Hinata said awkwardly "I-I'm so sorry" Kiba said "I-I need to go" Hineta grabbed her shoes and quickly put them and grabbed her sweater, "Hinata wait!!!" Kiba ran to the door but Hinata closed it fast behind her and caused him to run into the door "Ah!" He sad grabbing his nose while opening the front door "Hinata wait up!!" He yelled it was still raining hard, he started to run after her but he accidentally slipped and landed face first in a dirty puddle, he felt tears coming on, it most definitely was, he started to cry, he lifted his head up as dirty water came down from his messy brown hair, he looked up and rain drops fell on his forehead, he shut his eyes. He messed it up. He felt like such an idiot right now. He wiped his face and was now just sitting on his knees, he thought there was no way he can mess it up. But somehow he found a way to. He squeezed his eyes shut and squeezed his fist and yelled. He didn't care if anyone heard him or saw him, he felt like the stupidest person right now but he was more in pain because Hinata ran away, he grabbed his chest, it was hurting, his heart was hurting, but he just sat on his knees the whole time.
Hinata closed the door and slid down it, "What was I thinking? What was Kiba thinking? Why were the two bestfriends kissing? More like making out to be honest, Hinata touched her lips she gave a small smile. That was her first kiss. It's nothing like she wanted it to be, instead of Naruto, it was her best friend, Kiba Inuzuka.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really liked it tbh. ❤️ I'll work on the next one ASAP! 😘 What do you guys think about the Naruto: The Last Movie btw? I was upset about NaruHina 😒 but Gaara & Sasuke looked good 😍 -Skyes

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