Unfortunate Event

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"Kiba!! What are you doing here?!" "This is what's been bothering you, Huh Naruto?" Kiba asked, Naruto didn't say anything, he just looked down and that answered Kiba's question "Dammit you could've told me! You can't go alone, you could've gotten really hurt!" Naruto didn't say anything, he just kept himself up in the water, while looking away "We all know Sasuke is the strongest bond you ever had" Naruto had a tear at the corner of his eye, Naruto shook his head "Dammit it don't get in my emotions" Naruto screamed "You hate me anyways!" Kiba stared at him "It's true, but your the love of my love" Naruto's eyes widened, "W-What? What do you mean the love of your love?!" Kiba grew angry "You've never realized have you?!Hinata's in love with you asshole!!" Kiba screamed, Naruto was in shock "S-She is?" "Yes!! And I love her!" Naruto was getting more shocked by Kiba's words "S-So that's why you kept hurting me? You're... Jealous" Kiba looked up "What?! No I'm not! I just don't like you guys together!!" Naruto shook his head "That's jealousy you idiot! I- Wait I need to get to Sasuke I don't have time to be dealing with you!" Naruto said climbing out of the water and onto the shore, Kiba swam after him, Naruto was finally on the shore and was about to take off but Kiba was right behind him, grabbed his jacket and threw him over his shoulder in the shallow water, Naruto shook his head "Kiba! I don't have time for this!" "Yes! I'm telling you this cause Hinata loves you and you don't care!! She loved ever since the first day she met you! She was the only one cared about you when no one else did!!" Naruto was still laying in the shallow water with his head a little down, letting his wet bangs cover his eyes "That's- That's not true! There was Iruka Sensei, Kakashi and Jiriyia!" Kiba shook his head "That's not what I'm saying dammit!" Kiba yelled Naruto got up "I need to get Sasuke! He's my only friend!" Naruto ran again, Kiba tried to grab his arm but instead he was kneed in the stomach by him, Kiba choked and fell back, he watched him start to run, "I-I won't let you.. Run!" He got up and tackled him and punched him, Naruto grabbed his fist as he went to throw another punch and kicked him over him, Kiba landed on his feet and when he looked up, Naruto jumped and was going to kick him, he grabbed Naruto's leg and threw him in the water and he went under water, Kiba went underwater too, he couldn't see Naruto anywhere, all of a sudden he felt two cold hands around his neck, he opened his mouth but water came in, he grabbed the two hands and pried them off of him, he turned around and he grabbed Naruto's collar and pushed him to the bottom he held him against the ground and punched him, Kiba felt someone grab his body as he was punching Naruto, it was another Naruto! He looked back at the one he was punching and it disappeared 'A clone' Kiba said to himself as he looked back at the real Naruto but he uppercutted him, Kiba fell out of the water and into the air, he looked down and Naruto kicked him in the stomach, he then punched his stomach and used his other hand and to grab Kiba, they were in the air and he then turned them around to where Kiba was on the bottom and Naruto pushed them down, so now they were falling and right when they landed on the ground he landed on Kiba's stomach, Kiba spat out blood and before Naruto punched him, he threw him off rolled over, he stood up and held his stomach "Fang Over F-Fang!!" He yelled spiraling into Naruto "Agghhh!" Naruto yelled holding his body as he flew up, he started to fall but Kiba ran to him and uppercutted his chin before he fell, Naruto flew backwards and crashed into a wall of the statue, he fell into the water, Kiba panted as blood poured out of his mouth, he fell on his back and tried to catch his breathe, he leaned up and stood up, Naruto came out of the water and punched Kiba, Kiba went backwards and landed on his feet, he saw Naruto ran towards him, Naruto starting to kick and punch him, but Kiba kept blocking his attacks, Kiba grabbed Naruto arm and threw him, Naruto flipped and landed on his feet, they panted and tried to catch their breathe, "I still don't know.... Why Hinata is in l-love with you! Hinata loves... You!" Kiba yelled as he grasped his chest while panting "Hinata hurts me!! Cause she's in love with someone else! Do you know how that feels?!" He shouted as tears welled up in his eyes "Actually... I-I do" Naruto said quietly as he panted too, Kiba paused "Sakura.. Right?" Naruto nodded "You still don't understand! Sakura knows you like her and she actually likes you now!" They both stood in silent as a breeze came over them "But Hinata... Hinata doesn't see anything I do for her! Being protective! Saving her! Taking care of her! Late night or early mornings to hospitals!" Kiba shook his head, he didn't want Naruto to see him cry, even though he's the only one who has seen him cry before, Kiba opened his pouch and grabbed his kunai and flipped it, "I don't want to do this.. But I love Hinata and I am aching for her attention" Kiba said "Now, I shall finish this!!" Kiba yelled as he jumped forward and threw the kunai at him, Naruto blocked it but he felt someone's presence behind him, he turned and saw Kiba was suddenly behind him and leaped forward and held out the kunai, aiming for Naruto, Naruto turned and tried to dodge it, but he got stabbed in the arm, "Agh!" Naruto said holding his arm which was now bleeding, Kiba grabbed his collar and jumped down with his hands around his neck, he held his fist back and lunged it forward to Naruto's face which flattened his cheek, he did it again and again until they were almost at the ground and that's when Kiba put both hands back on his collar and landed with Naruto taking all the pressure and flipping over him, landing on his feet, he turned and grabbed Naruto again he noticed the kunai dug deeper in his arm, Naruto spat out blood, there's was already blood pouring from his nose and scrapes on his cheeks from Kiba's fist, Naruto grabbed the kunai and pulled it out as he screeched of pain, and put into Kiba's stomach, Kiba almost choked of pain, he grabbed his stomach and turned towards Naruto, Naruto grabbed Kiba's hood, before Naruto could do anything Kiba quickly slid out of his jacket and when he did Naruto sliced it, Kiba gritted his teeth "Stop it Kiba, doing this isn't going to win Hinata's love!!" Naruto yelled, Kiba grew angry "I don't care about that right now!!" Kiba pulled the kunai out of his stomach and breathed out, "Then what's with you?!" Kiba threw a couples punches at Naruto but Naruto quickly ducked, he fell from blocking too many too fast and was just leaning up a little off the floor, "You're my rival! Rival to her heart!" Kiba yelled picking up Naruto by his neck, Naruto struggled to get out of his grip, Kiba had tears in his eyes, Naruto needed to get this through Kiba's head, Kiba grabbed another kunai from his pouch and raised it at Naruto's neck as Naruto's eyes grew wide, Kiba held it there for a moment he squeezed his eyes shut and he launched his foot forward instead making Naruto fall on his butt, Kiba came up to him and cut his cheek and his sweater, Naruto panicked when blood started to pour fast out on his jumper, Kiba then lifted him up on his feet and punched him hard in the stomach, Naruto could feel the taste of blood in his mouth, he fell to the ground and his sweater opened , he clenched his stomach, "I don't want to kill you but I-I do, it's hard! Cause I've realized that Hinata is the only person I care about!!" He looked over and saw Akamaru was passed out on the rock, he grew angrier "You physically hurt people you know?!" He said with a growl "Do you know that!!?" Kiba asked getting closer to him, the response Kiba got was shocking, Naruto punched him in the face and sent him flying backwards and he landed on his back, "I know! B-But I do that cause I have to get it straight through people's heads that they doing the wrong things!!" Naruto yelled, Kiba was standing up now, they were both standing. Kiba bleeding from his mouth, fists and his stomach with no sweater on and scratches, bruises and cuts on his face. And Naruto. His sweater open with rips all over as he was bleeding from his arm, nose and a big bruise on his eye, and him too had cuts all over his face. When will they stop?

😁😁 I'm sorry if this fight sucks so far & I'm in Mexico and there's NO wi-fi I REPEAT NO WI-FI!! 😩😭 but I'm trying so hang on guys!! 😘💖 -Skyes

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