Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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It happened so fast. The light was red and the car just kept going. I was lying in the road in my Crusader cosplay in a pool of my own blood. I knew I was going to die since I could feel my lungs filling with blood and I was completely paralyzed from the neck down. After my vision darkened, I woke up in a room made of pure marble and walls lined with gold. 'Is this heaven?' I thought to myself. Then I turned to see the visage of a hooded woman that resembled that of Auriel the Archangel of Hope from Diablo, minus the wings. I looked at myself to see that I was still wearing my cosplay, but the strange thing was that it felt heavier. Then the woman spoke.

"Welcome to The Nexus Delsin. The world between worlds." The woman said, "I am Haniel the keeper of this realm and I wish to give you a second chance at life as the Holder of the title The Gamer." I looked at the now named Haniel with a quizzical expression. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming, but nothing happened, I was still here. Which means that I really am dead. She noticed my sorrowful expression and reassured me by saying that my family and friends were to be sent to the new world I was to live in with their memories slightly modified. So they wouldn't know that the world they live in is not their true home. Even were to be modified to an extent. I accepted the offer and was sent to the new world.

I woke up with a slight headache from all the memories being shoved into my brain all at once. Apparently my name here is Azrael Delgren. Now that I was thinking about it, that was the name of my Crusader in Diablo 3. I thought it was a coincidence so I let it go and got dressed then headed downstairs to get some breakfast. My step sister was also down there wearing her annoyingly almost see-through nightgown. I swear she does it on purpose, but I ignore her and make myself some eggs and toast. Another thing I should mention is that my sister is 1 year younger than me and that's not all. I HAVE TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!! I blame Haniel for this. I was in college before I died, not high school! Besides that there is a plus side to this new world, I was built like an athlete. My muscles were toned and I actually had abbs. Also, I had the color hair I always wanted, black. I never liked my original brown hair. It just didn't look right on me. I was also living in Japan which was also awesome because I always wanted to live here. Before I died I had an interest in mythology. More often than not I delved deep into the myths of Japanese culture and was extremely fascinated by the Yokai. More specifically the Kuroshishi, or Black Lion Yokai. The lore behind them intrigued me. Anyway, after I ate I started walking to school which was not that far at all. It just around the block.

Upon arriving with my sister in tow we see a sight that made me so angry. A brown-haired kid was being disgraceful by groping a female student in the middle of campus. What made this worse was that she was naked. With years of living with my sister, I have developed my senses to where I don't need my eyes to maneuver around. I took my blazer off and handed my bag to Mia. While walking over I closed my eyes since I memorized how far the asshole and girl were and handed her my coat and punched the pervert in the face. My eyes were closed when I looked back at the girl asking if she was alright. She nodded and ran off to get a spare set of clothes. When I knew she left I opened up my eyes to reveal my natural red eyes scaring the piss out of the pervert. Just by glancing at me he ran off. After getting myself to calm down I retrieved my bag from my sister and headed to my class. It was very uneventful, to say the least. That is until lunch break. I received a letter from, you guessed it, Haniel.

Dear Delsin or rather Azrael,

I am informing you of what lies ahead of you in this world. This world is home to many supernatural beings hidden away from human society. They are from all pantheons of the world. Anyway please do be careful here. Also, I have a present for you waiting in your room. I know you will enjoy it.

                                                                                                                                               Yours Truly, Haniel

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