Sneak peek (3)

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Normal POV:

"Watch it woman !" 

you scurried away in the corner when the black haired shortie snapped at you again for the third time

"Oi Feitan! is that really necessary" Phinks frowned at his partner's antics, he's been in a bad mood for a while now

It's been two days since you've been with the Phantom Troupe. That day when they rescued you from starving yourself to death or before you gave in to your wounds, you're grateful to them but they're.....murders nonetheless. When you woke up in an uncomfortable sofa, you immediately were able to piece their appearances together to figure out that they were the ones Gon and Killua mentioned about....the Spiders. 

Your (E/c) orbs scanned each and every one of them before they fell on the little torturer of the spiders and the guy who hates you with all his heart. Feitan. You never really got that guy, what is his deal! When you tried to make a run for it, he threatened you back in place saying something like

"I'll rip out your legs but before that I'll snatch out your I'd suggest you go back and sit where you were" 

Yah something like that. You aren't particularly afraid of him...........but you value you sight and legs so yah.....

 Fiddling with the hem of the dirty shirt you were wearing, your mind flooded with the thoughts of Meruem. The last second you were with was all your fault. Losing Meruem took a huge toll on you. Your powers subsided in due time and vanished like they were never there, or maybe it was your denial to use them ever again. Bringing your knees together you closed your eyes, remembering his confuse eyes that would soften and then would be dark with rage. You could never guess what he was about to say next.

A sudden nerve in your forehead clenched all of a sudden but you chose to ignore it

Even sitting here today, it breaks you all over again to think that you would see him no more. When you helped Killua get Alluka he too noticed the dead look in your eyes that made him hug you. The feeling of loosing someone when it would never occur to you that they could be gone one's terrifying. 

Your breathing was a bit raged now

He loved me. He was strong enough to let me let me live and still see me leaving with a smile. If...if only there was something I could do. It often made you wonder if maybe Alluka would have been able to treat him, she could've have done that right!? Of-course.....then then Meruem would have been with us.....with me....he wouldn't have-


the voice snapped you out of your thoughts and then you noticed how violently your body trembled, your head was killing you, your breathing becoming labored and you choked on it gasping for air while clenching your arms in fright.

It was a panic attack

Your POV:

You grasped your neck for air but you couldn't breathe. Machi was the first one to reach you, she got on her knees patting your back awkwardly telling you to calm down. Soon Sharlnark was there by your other side soothing your back throwing orders here and there telling something to be done quickly. Everything seem to fell deaf on your ears, your eyes getting teary with the picture of Meruem sitting in the ruins, his one leg folded and the other was raised where his hand rested a small broken smile of his face. That scene again and again it haunted you, tears fully rolled down your cheeks now

"M..Mer....Meruem" you managed to choke out between your sobs

Machi was wiping your tears while one arm was around your shoulder to stop your trembling. In a second someone yanked her off of you but that's all you could make sense of, your head felt like exploding, your breathing turning into gasping for any air you could get in your hollow lungs. 

It was then you felt someone cup your face in it's hands making you look upwards forcefully and yet gently. Your vision was blurred with the tears that wouldn't stop, but the small cold rough hands that cupped your face you could guess who it was, but when he spoke you knew you were right

"Oi woman....." his voice was bit a gentle than usual, his face inching so close you could feel his breath on your face

"Oi Feitan! what do you thin-" 

"Breathe slowly....look at me, breathe with me" he said cupping your face a bit more roughly making you look at him

He breathed slowly, as your tried to copy him. The second your (E/c) orbs met his piercing black ones you were captured by them completely, and as if they commanded you, you were following his breathing pattern soon, you body not shivering anymore you head too was coming back to normal. 

"There, breathe and keep looking at me....or I'll choke you right now" he hissed at the end

though somehow that made you let out a small weak giggle.

After 5 minutes or so, you were getting back to normal as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. You still gazed into his eyes, letting air in and out of your mouth. Something seemed different to you, you saw a whole new side to the guy who seemed to hate you with every fiber of his being. Maybe Feitan felt the change as well cause his eyes widened slightly before he dropped his left hand from your cheek moving back a bit. Somehow his hand your right cheek seem to be so warm and comforting that you leaned into it slightly. 

Noticing your move, Feitan leaned forward all of a sudden his nose touching yours-

"Oh my~ that's quite an interesting face you're making, my dear~ 🔹" 

Almost immediately Feitan got to his feet glaring at the clown standing behind me. 

It was since that day that Hisoka would always use me as an excuse to get to Feitan.....

OMG PEOPLE!!! I'm so so so sorry about not updating for a while. My exams were going on for a while then i had to study not to mention the extra work so I wasn't able to make. Hopefully you'll like this chapter and will forgive my petty self *sitting in a corner*  I'll see you in the next update people till then~ Take care!!

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