Sneak peek (4)

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Ok, so this chapter takes place after Meruem had died and (Y/n) meets someone in the cafe while with the phantom troupe.

 Normal POV:



your startled voice, teary eyes and trembling form was enough to send the Phantom troupe duo staring in disbelief at the man standing in front of them. Standing abruptly pushing the chair back with a loud screech you hesitantly stood up to him smiling, while tears rolled down your cheeks

The man who stood in front of you was not that tall, as you recall Meruem not being that tall initially as well, still he was taller than Feitan. His hair were in a shade of dark green with purple highlights, his bangs reaching his eyes....his eyes, they were the same as you remember. Those same pinkish-purple eyes you would never forget, the ones you fell in love with. He was well built which could easily be seen through his tight white shirt, with his pale green skin now to a complexion to a tanned one. A small smile playing at his lips, but the same neutral look in his eyes, as you knew the first day you met him

"Meruem..." you whispered in joy

but in seconds your world came crashing down to you

"Yes, but do I know you" he asked in a polite voice titling in his head cutely to the side

You were so engrossed in admiring his face, a face you wished to see just once more that the words dawned to you a bit harder than anyone could've thought. 

Listening to him...asking you, who you are??

It was the worst feeling you've ever felt.

"W-wha...what a-are you..huhhh" in mid of speaking, your breath caught up in your throat

'Not this again'

Your hand clutched your chest but words still fumbled out of your mouth

"Meurem i-f it's a joke...then it's....huhh not fun-ny" you managed to choke out 

"Miss I really do not understand what you're trying to say-" he cut off in his sentence when you placed your hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes

"Please don-t do this t-o me" you cried placing your head on his chest tears soaking in his shirt

Surprisingly, he didn't push you away or freaked out but simply rubbed your back in a soothing manner, awkwardly trying to get you to calm down, but things seemed to have worsened the second his hand came in contact with your back. Your sobs got louder, your breathing became labored and your body shook more violently. 

Yet another attack

"Enough in enough"

Your POV:

Air whipped through you when someone snatched from the arms of your beloved, who currently doesn't knows you, into small warm arms you knew so well

"Oi we've been through this, calm yourself......he's back now, isn't he!?? " his voice wasn't the usual soft but with a tinge of cold in it

Your breathing which didn't seem to calm down, which it mostly did when you're around Feitan seem to frighten you now. Your hands clutched into his silky sleeves desperately trying to calm yourself but it didn't work, your head started pulsing wildly making you hiss in pain as a broken empty feeling resided in your chest

'He doesn't knows me'

'He forgot me'

'He doesn't remembers me'

'I don't have anyone left to-'


the short black haired hissed before engulfing you into his arms squeezing you, his one arm wrapped around your waist while the other supported your head as you tried to snuggle into his neck. Your eyes opened slightly to look at Phinks standing behind you guys worry laced on his face, while he spoke to someone on the phone, behind him Hisoka stood with a grim expression his eyes not moving away from you-

"(Y/n) I'm here for you, I'll always be so...please-" Feitan's voice broke when someone else reached for you as well


Darkness started cornering you, when that voice made you shift in the lil torturer's arms moving towards that voice

" isn't really your colour...." 

If you could you would've laughed but at that second, something told you it's okay to let go for once and so you let the darkness welcome you

"You better not disappear when I wake up...." 


Ohhhhhhh guess what people! My final exams are here and I probably won't be here for sometime now, I hope this chapter makes up for some of it though. I'm really happy to see the love this book has been getting all this time, Thank you. This is just a part of the chapters to come so stay tuned........see ya 'round folks.

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