Sneak peek (5)

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Normal POV:

You opened your eyes softly looking at the ceiling above, your calm breathing and heaviness that still lingered in your body, had you known that you needed more rest. Like hell you would listen though, right!? 

"It's good to see you're back" 

your head whipped to the voice of a man sitting on a sofa beside you

You instantly recognized him, as the guy you once met on the streets on York New.

You hissed slightly at your aching back when you sat up, on the rough couch. Immediately the man reached for you kneeling down and helping you sit. Taking your time your (e/c) orbs traced the outlines of the man's face

'He's handsome'

"Are you feeling okay, (Y/n)!?" he asked sliding his eyes up to you, catching you staring at him

"Ahh y-yes umm you are...." you asked politely

His lips lifted slightly into a smile as he gently tugged your bed-locks behind your ear, an unknown heat rising to your cheeks

"I'm Chrollo Lucifer, leader of the Phantom Troupe. I hope they've been treating you well, while I was.....away" he smiled standing up, a book in one of his hands

He was dressed in a long open purple coat, showing his well-built *ahem* physique with white fur on it's lining and golden cross buttons in the front. He wore the same pants and pearl earrings it seems....he let his hair fall onto his forehead but you could still see the symbol on his forehead

'He's the leader'

"Yeah, they've been like a family to me all this while, specially Machi, Phinks and....Feitan" you said with a slight nod

His expression changed for a split second but you couldn't notice

"I think we should go out and meet the others, they have been worried about you" he spoke looking over his shoulder before walking out the room

You quickly got down, lacing your boots while chasing after him out the room. Turning a few corners, you finally got to the open rumble again where you could see the others sitting together.

"She's here" Chrollo said making his way to sit on a huge rock

"(Y/ N)!!!" Machi exclaimed before engulfing you into her arms

"We were worried about you" she said stepping back from you 

You were just wrapping your head around this when a few more members approached you, each one either giving you a side hug or a mere nod maybe even a pat on the head, unlike Hisoka who straight away pecked you on the forehead. That was before he was yanked off of you, where now stood your 'average' height guy, Feitan

"H-hey-" you muttered feeling nervous under his intense gaze, his mask covered his mouth but you could tell he was scowling

"Don't you 'Hey' me" he hissed sharply

You were about to say something again when he cut you off

"Hopefully now you feel better after being passed out for a week over a stupid human, who barely even knows you" he did not soften his voice or his words

Feitan's fists were clenched as his eyes narrowed at you dangerously. It was no joke, you've angered Feitan before over stupid reasons but this time you could tell he was definitely raged because you could hear the foreign words being spoken by him under his breath, which he spoke when he was close to losing himself

"Feitan it's not like I wanted this to happen, so why are you being this way-" you stumbled in your words when his aura spiked out suddenly

"我为什么要这样 你问-" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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