Chapter Six

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unedited, don't pay attention to the mistakes if there are any, enjoy reading

Evangeline doesn't leave her bedroom for three days. It's a short break, an anxious one. She didn't relax, not even when she knew the house was completely empty. Her father was probably preparing to make her scale an entire wall and then jog up a flight of stairs. He can be cruel, incredibly cruel. However, every time he came in, he kissed her on the top of her head and asked about Aditiya and Baozi. It startled her initially, she couldn't even feel the burn of the tea she spilled passed the shock. Her father never cared for her friends, he's more interested in her enemies. How she could pull them down, how she could destroy them.

Her mother acted just as different. She brought a personal lunch and offered Evangeline some of her time. Her 'time'. Dr. Eris-Loque never had time for anyone, let alone her daughter. Despite that, she brought a platter full of finger sandwiches and talked about Evangeline's hobbies. A bland sandwich had stuck directly in the middle of her throat at the question. Her mother couldn't care less what Evangeline liked to do, as long as she was keeping herself calm and took her pills.

"Am I dying?" She finally asked as both of her parents sat on her bed, both trying to be included in her life only now. There was only ever family time after a big win and as far as Evangeline's concerned, she passed out after running a cycle.

Her mother's expression immediately went serious, the smile that had been pulling at her face falling flat. She grabbed her tablet off the table, signing in. "Do you feel exhausted? You shouldn't feel exhausted, you've rested a while. Is it your head? Does your head hurt?"

"No, I'm just..." She trailed off, looking between her parents. They both watched her closely, eyes observing and anxious. It was missing something, something wasn't right in the way they were looking at her. She dismissed the thought, putting on a smile. "I'm lucky I have parents like you."

General Eris laughed, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Rest up, little one. Your first spar is tomorrow."


"Good to see you again, Miss Eris." Madame Orn says with a blank face and Evangeline knows that's the best she's going to get. She laces her fingers with Baozi's in passing, nodding her head to tell him to pass it on as finding her spot in line. Everyone is again in their InviTect suits, feeling like nothing short of superheros. In front of them is a table piled with weaponry; dozens of types of guns, knives, swords, hammers, maces- everything that was specifically made to cause pain. "I hope you won't be missing anymore classes."

"No, ma'am." Evangeline says, concentrating on keeping the fear out of her voice. She had made sure to pop her pills today and she knows if she hadn't, she'd be shaking or dizzy right now.

Madame Orn lets out a challenging hum, walking to the front of the wide stage. "Warfare opponents, today is the day you get to knock out competition. Don't think about anyone as friends, only think about your competition as an enemy. They must fall so you can rise. No matter how important their position." Qanz wasn't the only one to glance at Evangeline, Verica Sinthe also turning his head entirely to size her up. "Here's the game. You get one weapon, it can be anything. That doesn't include the ones built into your suits and you're only allowed to use the ones I've taught about. I don't care what you know." She passes another look at Evangeline.

"She got it out for you." Baozi whispered at her, keeping his eyes innocently trained on the Madame. Aditiya nodded, also not bothering to look towards Evangeline.

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