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JANUARY GNAWS ON her bottom lip as she watches the clock tick away, counting down the seconds until Babs arrived to save her. This whole date has gotten her nerves standing on edge. She hadn't been on one since she arrived, although she's declined several suitors including Tony Stark. He had taken her rejections very well, however, he did not cease from flirting with her at all. He simply stated that he was only flirting with her to watch her squirm uneasily, which it did make her quite uncomfortable. 

He also stated that she was saving herself from a world of heartbreak by not actually following through with his advances. The thought of him saving her from heartbreak made her eyes roll. She couldn't believe he was actually her knight in shining armor when she was out with Babs. She grimaced at the painful thought of the lunch she had earlier in the week with him at Babs's bar. How pretentious he acted for not being seated immediately, how he talked down to her best friend. 

It left a terrible taste in her mouth and knowing the look in Babs eyes when she glowered at him, she knew she was going to be in for a lecture when she arrived. It's not like any other jobs were accepting her. She'd just have to grin and bear it. Even though the week was over she felt like it had lasted an eternity while shadowing Pepper and pressing on to learn new things about the company, all while being pursued by Tony. 

The notes that Winston had provided her were not exactly as she expected as well. She was thinking maybe a page of typed-up notes, maybe five flashcards with a few things written down on them. Instead, she was surprised when he plopped down a binder on the table in front of her. He was very thorough with his notes, always paying attention to detail. She could tell that he could get into the mind of Obidiah, walk, talk and act like him which was perfect for a publicist. 

How she was going to do the same with Tony was still a mystery. The thought of mimicking his vulgar speech pattern was unsettling, to say the least. She slides her hand over the top of the smooth binder, it's cool to the touch. Memorizing Tony's life was going to be a nightmare, especially if he really isn't as hands-on as Pepper leads. However, she digs into the binder, his words from earlier running through her mind. A simple fair warning about what he was doing this weekend. A date with Brittney to go see whatever broadway musical she wanted. 

So he was already expecting the tabloids wanting to cover his traipse around New York with a different girl than who he had been seen with a couple of weeks ago on American Idol. She briefly skims over the top page of the binder. It didn't seem too bad. Just useless - yet in some ways helpful - information, when his birthday was, what his middle name was, his address.

A few pictures of him and Obidiah were sprinkled in together, throughout the section labeled "For January", about another five sections were just facts and information about Obidiah, which could be useful and was probably a guarantee as to why Winston left it in there for her. Her fingers twiddle back towards the front of the binder to find a lined sheet of paper in the front pocket. It appeared to be a list of names and numbers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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