Chapter 1

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I was riding in a helicopter from Paris. I was happy. I heard a radio alert that South Carolina was now declared a nuclear disaster site.
My Pilot landed the copter on a building, and I jumped out the door and walked to the edge of the building and looked down. When I saw was zombies! They were everywhere. They were gross looking with grey pale skin and covered with blood. Even from the building roof I could hear their uncanny grunting. Some just walked, but others were running.
I knew I couldn't stay on the roof so I looked for an exit. I spotted a door that was open to stairs going down. Just to the side of the door laid a metal bat. I picked it up.
"At least I can defend myself" I thought.
I descended the first flight of stairs and went through a metal door. I quickly noticed several Machines and then saw in the shadows two zombies. They weren't running.
"You must be walkers" I thought to myself.
I avoided them by creeping to a side door. I went down about another three flights and found another door. I went to go open it and seen that it lead to an ally. I looked at my right and staring at me were two zombies, growling as if they were hungry for blood. Then I looked left in time to see a runner coming right at me. I swung my bat to his head and watched him fall at my feet. I hit him twice more. He quit moving.
I ran to another building across the street and down three blocks. I was not sure what street I was on, but I was pretty sure I was in Myrtle Beach and that building somehow looked familiar. I ran and ran. Three blocks felt like a mile.
When I reached the place I noticed the front window was broken. I climbed through the window, avoiding the jagged glass. As I scanned the interior, I thought I heard a sound of someone breathing. I was scared, so I raised my bat about to hit. Silently I made my way to the interior door. I opened it very slowly, not knowing what it could be on the other side, but ready to swing for defence.
What I saw was Rachel, my best friend, sitting there on the floor and trembling.
"Your alive!" I said in shocked.
"Well yeah," Rachel said confidently. "You can't bring a good girl down! I had four of them chasing me so I broke the window and ducked in here to hide"
"We'll do you have and weapons?" I asked.
"Yep, I got forty arrows" she answered.
"Good" I said. "Because we have to find my brother's bait and tackle shop."
"Why?" Rachel was curious.
"We can get a boat there, and maybe we can get out of here. We need to find an island where zombies can't swim."
"That's right," Rachel said.
"So are you ready girl?" I asked as she nodded.
We both leaped out the window and headed down a near ally that was clear of zombies. We crossed another street, only to face a walker coming at us from a nearby building. I took him out with my bat.
We entered the building and took the stairs to the room for a better look. We saw a man groaning In pain. He called for us for help, so we head over to him.
"Aren't we gonna help him?" Rachel questioned.
"No! We can't help him he has been bitten. Soon he'll be a zombie" I said as she sighed.
We headed for the next roof top. Rachel and I went to the edge and looked down an could see three walkers by the wall. She took out her bow and arrow, she aimed her bow and arrow so she could find there marks. As she shot all three of them in one second, they fell to the ground.
"She always been good at archery" I thought to myself.
I smiled at her and gave her thumbs up. As we went down the ladder and landed in a ally. Rachel went an took the arrows out of the zombies head and reloaded her bow and we headed to the end of the street.
"We need to find a place to sleep. It's getting close to dark." She said.
"We are not far from my old house." I suggested. "We will be safe there in the attic."
"Probably." Rachel said. "But we could use some food and sleeping bags, and flashlights too, don't you think?"
"Yeah, sure do" I agreed.
"There is a hardware store down this street, maybe two or three blocks." Rachel said.
"Okay," I nodded "but there are zombies ahead, so beware." I counselled.
"You mean, be aware?" Rachel answered, as she shot a zombie in the centre of his head.
"Uh-huh." I said.
We took out with all our might and reached the hardware store ahead of our enemies. I hit a couple with my bat on my way to what use to be my favourite camping store. Once we got inside we covered the windows and doors with shelves. We found some beef jerky, chips, pork rinds, candy bars, and Drinks. We feasted.
I looked at Rachel, whom I haven't seen for a couple years, and smiled.
"Where have you been?" I asked.
"Cali. Where else" she laughed. "What about you?"
"Just got back from a business trip in Paris." I pleaded
"Wow look at you, all grown up and successful" Rachel teased.
We both laughed and soon fell asleep.

~ I hope you like chapter one. If I did anything wrong please message me. Note this is my first time so sorry if there is something wrong. I will type chapter 2 Sunday night.~

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