Chapter 8

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Rachel and l looked at him waiting for him to speak up.

"So you really want to know what we are?" Tom said.

"Yes we would like to know" I said with an attitude tone.

Tom chuckles madly. "We're cannibals ladies"

Rachel and I looked at each other and looked back at him and got our weapons out incase if they try to attacked.

"We're going to leave and if any of you try to attack, we will kill you" Rachel pleaded as we backed up from them.

"Run" Tom demanded as one of his member brought out the vicious black dogs from a hut. Rachel and I backed up even more and ran off through the woods as we heard the dogs being let out and barking. We kept running as me and Rachel hid behind a tree, watching the dogs run past us and we started running left towards where the boat it.

As we go to where the boat was and ran to it and hopped into it. I poured some gas in it and started it up and we took off.

"Do you think they would of killed us?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah. Madison and Tom seemed strange when we first met them. Specially Tom" I responded to her.

"That would be make sense because the guy I was talking to was licking his lips and telling that he couldn't wait to get a bite of me" Rachel said getting shivers.

As we spend hours and hours out on the ocean. I look at Rachel seeing her sleeping. I shook my head and laughed a little as I speed up.

Hours past again and I looked at my watch seeing that it was five pm. We finally pulled up to a dock.

"Rachel wake up" I said.

"Mm where are we?" She asked.

"I don't know, but help me get up on this deck" I demanded.

"Ok" she said and got up slowly and helped me get up on the dock. I wipe myself off and watched her toss the bag of guns and my bag up here as well. I helped her get up here and watched her get up and we both looked at dock that leads to a small fair. I went over and looked at the sign that said "welcome to Arizona," I look at Rachel and back at the small fair ground.

"I think every state got wiped out and is now full of zombies.." I said.

"I think so to" Rachel agreed as she came up beside me and we both just starred.

"This place. It looks abandoned. Like haunted. By how all the rides look all rusted and with leave branches all on them and old blood splatters. Just all gross" Rachel said. "Shall we go find a building to sleep tonight?"

"Yeah that would be good" I said.

We walked thru the fair ground looking around as we saw some zombies that were stuck on ride and behind some game stands. We kept walking trying to ignore them.

We spent hours of walking. I looked at my watch seeing that it was seven already. We were on the road looking around for a building that was save and secure, but non of them seem safe because how the glass were all broken.

"Watch out!" Rachel yelled at me and pushed me out of the way an took my bat and swung at the zombie that was coming towards me from my right side. As I was on the ground, Rachel kept hitting her in head over and over. I got up and went over to her.

"Come on Rachel lets go before more comes out of that building" I said to her and we started running.

We ran for a good thirty minutes. We stopped and turned left and stopped seeing a heard of zombies. We stood there and started backing up and turned around and started running as they were running after us.

"We need a place to hide!" Rachel yelled.

"Yea no joke" I yelled back. We kept running and turned right on a street that was to a house addition. Rachel and I decided to run up the drive way and lift up the garage and hid in there as she puts the garage door back down. We both take out our flash lights, not seeing any zombies, so we decided to move a big keep safe in front of the door and we started setting up the tent we had. It was one of those tents where it had two rooms, it was tan and big. We got in and took a power nap.

~I'm sorry it had took me so long. Just been a busy night. If anything is wrong. Please message me or comment I don't care lol. I'm tired and my head is really killing me. Tonight (since its Saturday) will be my last night because I'll be gone Sunday through Tuesday cause I don't know if I can be on this app without wifi. Well hope you like this. Goodnight :)

Oh ps: I may not know what Arizona looks like, but Its my story :) so yeah lol~

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