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              bill passed the english test, as usual. he had eddie in this class, and he passed as well. they were both in higher classes as well as ben. richie, bev, and mike all struggled a bit in school so they had lower classes together. but that didn't mean anything to them since they were glad they had the same classes together. except for electives.

       eddie and richie both had the same elective which was home ec and—it was mayhem. eddie and richie ended up in the same kitchen together meaning they had to make food together meaning eddie would do all the work and richie would try and help but it would all go wrong if he did.

      for example: they had to make ice cream. richie was really eager and wanted to help, eddie finally gave in after richie wouldn't stop annoying him. richie had one job. one job. and he messed it up. it was to mix the ice and cream in a mixer and he didn't screw the lid on tight enough so—well you can imagine what happened.

      the two had to stay after class and clean up the mess richie made it. eddie, of course yelled at the boy since he even asked if the lid was on tight and richie even replied yes. that was just one of the incidents that happened in home ec with them.

       bill and beverly had art together. it was actually really fun for the two them, since bill was really artistic and bev was decent at art. bill always used to do portraits of beverly and turn them in for extra credit. not to mention how nice their teacher is. mrs.carter was her name. she was a middle aged african american women who had a passion for art and literature. bill and her always had discussions of books and art on the side.

       mike and ben had strong body. yup you heard that right. ben hanscom, fat boy, haystack, the name's go on...he has strong body. his first elective choice was spanish, but with his luck he didn't get it. and instead got strong body. mike was in the class too, so mike usually pushed and motivated him which he liked quite a lot actually.

        ben dreaded going and even hid out in the locker-rooms attempting to hide, mike always asked the teacher if he could go find ben and bring him to class, and most of the time he found ben hiding..but sometimes he couldn't. despise his weight and body, ben usually fit into oddly small places.

       soon he got used to it, and started to like it a bit. his stamina went up big time, and his body mass went down. which he felt extremely proud of the first time he stepped on a scale and saw he lost almost 4 pounds in 5 months. ben slowly grew really fond of the class and how mike was his mentor in a way.

"what did you get on the test?"eddie asked as bill and eddies exited the class side by side walking down the crowded loud hall ways.
"100, w-what about you?" bill asked.

"me too, it was so easy.."bill nodded and looked around to see ben walking out of his math class.

"hey guys!"he shouted happily. "hey ben"bill smiled at him. they all walked down the hall together now, exiting the school. "we should all spend night at one of our houses tonight, since it's friday..."ben suggested.

           "yeah maybe, my mom might not let me if it's richie's.."eddie said.

            "why?"bill asked. "well one time i came home with a hickey on my neck and she flipped her shit, so i don't think it would be the best idea..."eddie chuckled nervously.

            "maybe m-mines..."bill suggested "yeah we should do it at yours! can we invite the others too?"ben asked. "yeah i don't care.."bill shrugged and grin at him.

           they all exited the building and saw beverly, richie, and mike all waiting for them by mike's minivan. "where the fuck have you guys been? it's been ten minutes since the bell rang?"richie shouted throwing his hands up dramatically.

         "it's actually been five minutes.."eddie said in a known of a fact tone. richie rolled his eyes jokingly and picked up eddie easily and spun him around and then kissed him. "well five minutes is too long to wait to see you"richie said and kissed eddie again on his lips.

        "you guys make it want to vomit....it's cute"beverly said causing ben to let out a loud laugh. beverly walked over to ben and kissed him on his cheek. they had been dating for a couple of months and bill absolutely shipped it. he loved it, and couldn't think of better couple (aside from richie and eddie, everyone ships them, literally even the school's staffs probably)
             bill and mike's always were fifth and sixth wheeling which they didn't care that much. mike hadn't found the right person, and mike was okay with that. he wasn't trying to rush love but instead wait until love happens on its own.

         bill on the other hand, love wasn't a priority to him right now. he's just trying to focus his grades and his friends. he had also never had real feelings towards anyone, although he has had sexual feelings towards people. i mean he's a teen boy, what do you expect? bill was openly bi, and all his friends supported him.

        "so we were thinking of having a sleep over at bill's tonight, you guys in?"eddie asked as richie slung his arm over his shoulder.

     "i'm down"richie grinned and looked down at eddie.

         "sounds fun, i volunteer to bring snacks"bev smirked. "and i volunteer to help bev with the snacks"ben added and smiled at her.

     "sure, do you guys just want to grab your bikes and but then in the van so we can all head over at the same time? i'll take a stop at the 7/11 for beverly and ben..."mike asked. they all agreed and quickly grabbed their bikes and put them in the van and off they were to 7/11.

#GABBY: kinda a filler chapter— check out my original story THE VEX for a shoutout on this book! comment done once you voted for it and followed me on here!

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