, 2.3

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       the pancakes came out amazing. all thanks to stanley for helping bill. without stanley they would of ate the leftover candy from the previous night and probably get a tummy ache later on in the day. bill declared it was the most fluffiest, tastiest, and mouthwatering piece of food he has ever eaten. stanley was honored.

       when they all finished eating and cleaned up their plates, slowly, one by one, each loser left bill's house. soon it was just stanley and bill in bill's room. bill was laid out on his bed and stanley was sitting on the chair to bill's desk.

"i'm kuh-kuh-kinda getting tired, i buh-barely got any s-sleep last night..." bill yawned. "you should take a nap then" stanley suggested.

"yeah, b-buh-but then i wouldn't buh-be able to talk to you..." bill let slip out. he immediately got embarrassed, feeling desperate. his cheeks heated up.

stanley chuckled. "i will still stay in your room if you want" he smiled. bill nodded and rolled over to his side to fall asleep. "nuh-night stan..."bill smiled. "goodnight bill" stanley watched as the boy drifted off to sleep.

his chest slowing raising and lowering. how bill had a small snore that stanley thought was pretty adorable. stanley walked over to the bed to take one last glance and then left.

bill woke up and it was 2:37. he groaned and rubbed his eyes, feeling groggily. he knew he shouldn't have token a nap. naps are not bill's forte, whenever he took nap longer than an hour (usually 30 minutes) he felt sick and disgusting.

his eyes felt droopy like raindrops slowly sinking down a car window. once his eyes got used to the bright lighting of the sun peaking in the window, he noticed stanley was not there. 

         bill rolled out the bed and clumsily made his way out his room and to the living room. he felt his phone buzz off in the pocket of his black sweatpants just as he left the hallway that held georgie's and his room.

I came home for lunch and brought you some chinese food. heat up if your hungry later

      bill put his phone away in his pocket and looked up to see stan sitting at a chair at the dinning room table across the house.

bill jumped, a little startled from stanley's sudden appearance. "ju-ju-jesus! stanley you scared thu-thu-the living duh-daylight out of me!" stanley looked at him and chuckled softly.

"wasn't my intention..." stanley said lowly.  bill made his way over to the dinning room table and took a seat next to stan.

bill immediately noticed something was wrong with stanley. his mood felt completely off to bill—like something was tugging on stanley and he could barely hold it any longer.

"a-are you okay, stan?" bill asked. stanley looked up from the table to meet eyes with bill's blue glowing orbs . "i'm trying to be..." he gave a forced soft smile to bill.

"wha-what is it? stan, i won't tu-tu-tell anyone... im juh-just curious"

"how could you tell i wasn't okay?" stanley interjected. stanley's head shot up to look out  the big window that was across from him not daring to make eye-contact with bill, like if he did it was a sin or was taboo.

"uhm, i duh-duh-don't know" bill shrugged. "well you gotta know—tell me how" stanley demanded. bill was shocked at stanley's mannerism, he's never seen stanley get like this. stanley looked down and breathed out then looked up and met eyes with bill. "i didn't mean to come off rude, i just need to know how you
knew—with specific details"

"you didn't seem vuh-very interactive wuh-with me, which is unlikely of yuh-you..."bill explained as thurley as he was able to.

stanley nodded. "good, good..."

    "why aren't you oh-oh-okay?"bill asked immediately changing the topic. "its nothing big, nothing you need to worry about at least—this should be your last concern..."stanley mumbled the last part.

      "well i k-know something buh-buh-bothering you, so j-just tell me...."bill said as caring and nice as he could. he wanted to butter stanley up so he could feel more open to him about things.

stanley sighed in defeat, giving up on attempting to not let bill know what was making him upset

"twenty years ago today, i died" bill felt chills run down his arms and legs causing goosebumps to erupt from them. he never actually heard him say it out loud—sometimes bill forgot stanley was ghost and not some boy who hangs around his house sometimes. bill nodded.

"since thu-thu-the topics out there already, uhm cuh-cuh-cuh—"

"you want me to tell you how i died?" stanley finished bill's sentence that would of took him 10x as long as it took stanley to say it in two seconds. bill nodded. stanley's lips curled into a small grin which quickly disappeared as he started to speak again.

"i never had a good family life. my mom left my dad when i was 5, my dad was always yelling at me and being a big asshole. and attop of that i got made fun of for being jewish..."

bill cocked an eye at stanley. "jewish? my neighbor is juh-juh-jewish and everyone loves him.."

       "this was back in the 80's, it was way different than nowadays..."stanley explained and then continued telling the story.

"i just couldn't take the pressure and everyone constantly hating on me and telling me to kill myself, so i put matters in my own hand and... took myself off the board" bill heard stanley's voice crack at the end.

stan's curly hair was covering his eyes but bill knew he was probably close to tears or was crying already. the brunette felt a wave of sadness overcome himself— just imagining; what if i was stanley's friend back then? although that isn't possible, just imagine what i could have done....i could have saved his life. and at the time where he needed a friend, he had no one, nothing... but I could have been there and helped him.

there was silence between them for a bit, it felt like forever to bill. as if time was just going by slower and slower. but then stanley spoke up.

"i made a warm bath for myself, got myself comfortable, and then slit....all up on wrists and arms—to the point where the pain felt numb and i thought 'this is working, i can't feel any of the negativity or pain'..."stanley said quietly and softly. although stan spoke with such peace bill could tell it wasn't easy for stan to open up about that topic. he reached for stanley's hand that was in his own lap.

"i care....stanley, we may not be close, but i care, and i really mean it. I truly do, even if it takes me ten thousand times to tell you that to get it through your head. i care so much i wish i was somehow there to help you and tell you at the end of the day things will get better..." bill lightly caressed stanley's hands. stanley looked up, tears in his eyes, but somehow a tint of joy in them.

"you didn't stutter once..."he chuckled. stan was right. bill didn't stutter not once. bill shyly grinned.

"i kinda missed your stutter though...it's cute" stanley grinned softly. bill felt his face heat up and hands get clammy. he immediately removed his hands from stanley's, not wanting him to know he got flustered from a comment that probably meant nothing to stanley.

"did you actually mean all that you said? or were you just trying to cheer me up?" "i muh-meant it all..."

"promise?" "puh-pinky promise.."

soooo i made an original story based off those TIK TOK povs LMAO go read it out it's called dark souls BY THE WAY the updating schedule for this book is every sunday :)

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