, 3.2

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"he tricked me. that sick bastard tricked me. he said if i killed myself we both be together—but instead he went away and was free to roam and now i'm stuck here..." bill could hear the pain and emotion as he told the story. the real story. bill reached over to grab and connect hand's with stanley's. "wuh-why did you lie..." bill whispered out. stan looked back out the window. "it was too much, i knew i couldn't explain without me breaking down, and here i am explaining while breaking down..." stanley turned to face bill.

bill's eyes were on their intertwined fingers. stanley's hands were freezing cold compared to bill's. his hands were more pale, more lifeless and almost more sad looking. there were no marks on them, not one flaw on this boy bill thought for a split second before stanley reached out with the hand that wasn't holding bill's and caressed the brunette's cheek softly. bill looked up slowly at stanley through his lashes. stanley pressed a small kiss on his forehead. stanley backed away after slowly letting go of bill's hand.

bill had thousands of questions running through his head—this whole thingy was confusing and very anxious. he decided to settle on the easy one for stanley to answer. "what does he luh-look like?" stanley locked eyes with bill. his pupils dilated, he replied "he has dark hair, almost black and olive skin... probably your height, maybe taller" stanley explained. bill nodded. stanley reached his hand out and lightly grabbed bill's hands once more. stanley was perfect in every which way to bill, but why? why was he so angelic but "dangerous"? and most of all—why does he like bill? bill was so curious he let the question slip out his lips.

"why d-do you luh-like me?"

    there was silence among them, like stanley was looking for a thorough answer. bill changed his focus from stanley to the big window in front of them. the sun still wasn't out and it was cloudy. the sun was hiding, kinda like how stanley had been doing this whole time. hiding from the truth of his ex lover. he was the sun and the clouds were bill. bill helped him, he trusted and cared for stanley . he was a shield for stanley in way—shielding him from letting the truth slip out... but one day the clouds will move away from you and you will slip up.

     "you are not like anyone i've ever met. you make me feel loved. you make me feel alive again." bill got chills from that sentence. he didn't think he had actually made this big impact on stanley, he was obvious wrong though. "how is thuh-that?" he stuttered out quietly. "everytime we touch i feel this shock, this ping of passion and love surges through me.... and when he meet gazes i want to stay like that forever" bill was blown way. blown away by how thoughtful and beautiful stan was. stanley is mature and wise with his words and that made bill angry, angry because someone so mature could like him. he hated it.

     "you are suh-so thoughtful..." bill grinned at the pale boy standing in front him. stanley returned the motion and grinned back, his cheeks poking in making his dimples stand out. "i feel safe around yuh-you, like yuh-you are protecting me from eh-everything evil..." stanley's grin faded, his dimples disappearing.

     "but i'm not, i am the evil" bill sighed "no, yuh-you are not. nuh-no one is, stan" bill smiled trying to get stanley to show some sign of happiness but it wasn't working. he stayed frowned and sad looking. stanley looked so angelic and at peace, like he was almost okay... until you look in his eyes that tell a whole different story. the anger, stress, and anxiety was hiding in his seemingly porcelain hazel eyes. it was scary to bill how concealed stanley had been about his real emotions, how it was so easy to just put on a face and hide everything behind them. has he always done this? am i really this oblivious after being driven in by his mysterious ways? as bill questions himself stanley regretted every single time the two talked.

     he reeled bill in like pray, obviously not meaning to but looking back on it he feels like a villain. stanley knew the damage he could do if him and bill got close but he still took that risk and finally the bad thing happened. they fell in love. hard. not just bill anymore, but stanley. stanley loved every single inch of bill and ached to be by him at any given time. it wasn't healthy but neither was the fact a ghost and human loved each other. his attachment to bill was agonizingly painful to feel when he felt like he should be the protector of him and the denbrough's but he felt a sense of danger. he was uncontrollable when with bill, he had to touching him in someway, flays why he left and went on a break. that didn't last long since bill was too smart for his games.

    neither of them were safe, whether it was from each other's deep love or something more sinister , but time was ticking and they were not ready for a storm.

im so sick but hey there's a party this saturday and i'm still gonna go to it even if i throw up😼 😉from drinking too much punch bc NO UNDERAGE DRINKING!!! jkkkk 😵

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