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Jimin walked through the gym floors clutching his gym bag closer to his body. He hoped Yoongi wouldn't be in the locker room yet.

Throughout the whole night, he thought about Nayeon. The school wasn't over the rumors yet and they wouldn't be until they had someone else to talk about.

As he opened the locker room door, he heard the boys laugh. "Yeah, can you believe that whore? I asked her if she wanted to skip to fuck and she denied it. Little bitch tried to hit me." One said.

"That's Nayeon for you. She pretends to be decent when in reality we all know her."

"She even tried to cover for that fag."

Jimin took a deep breath before continuing to walk. He was very scared. If this would've been another occasion, he would've run out already, but not today.

He needed to be brave for Nayeon. He needed to end this once and for all so they'll leave her alone.

"Ah! There's the spaz!"

Jimin held his breath walking towards him. "Can-can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, right. Fuck off faggot. I don't want to talk to you."

"I need to talk to you." He told his voice a big shaky.

He raised both eyebrows with a smirk, "Oh! Is the fag trying to be a big boy now? I'm so, so, scared!" He mocked with a laugh.

Jimin tried to keep himself calm as they started to surround him. He knew this could end bad, yet he didn't step down and kept his head high.

"Alright, you wanna talk? Let's talk then? What do you want, huh? If you're asking for me to suck your dick let me just tell you that I'm not into that nasty shit. But if you want I can help you so you can suck your own by shoving your neck down. I might get lucky and break it on accident." He stepped closer to Jimin making him stumble back.

He grinned satisfied that he still had power over him. "Do you need us to hold him down?" His friend asked.

"Nah, it's okay. How about you go out. Don't want the coach to suspect anything or let anyone else come in. Go on. I got this."

The boys listened to him like he was their leader and walked out leaving only them two. "Alright, fucker, it's time that I get payback for the bruise on my cheek."

"Wait-" Jimin said stepping back once again.
"I really need to talk to you." He added.

"And you think I give a fuck? Do you honestly believe I want to talk to you? I could care two shits about what you have to say."

"You-you wouldn't want people to find out I did that to your face. Would you?"

"Are you fucking threatening me?" He screamed pulling him by his shirt.

"I just want you to delete that post about, Nayeon. I've cut her off completely and I won't talk to her no more. I just want you to leave her out of this. She's out of my life now."

He slowly let Jimin go with a smile spreading across his face. "You're fucking stupid. Holy shit. You actually thought I would delete that post simply because you stopped talking to her?" He laughed.

Jimin pressed his lips together trying to come up with something to say. To scare him, to humiliate him, or to force him to delete it. But how? He was powerless.

"You-you-have no right to-to-bring her into this. She-she doesn't deserve this-"

"That's her punishment for being nice to a sicko like you. Get this in your head you moron, I won't ever stop tormenting you until you leave for good." He told harshly pushing his finger against his skull.

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