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"Who will like to solve problem four on page 234?"

The class went silent. Jimin looked down at his paper hoping to not be picked. Yoongi was looking at his back from the seats behind.

"Jimin? Can you come up here to solve it? You're the one that seems to get it the most."

His heart dropped when he felt the class turn to look at him. It had already been a stressful day and everyone was already looking at him. Now to be up front of the class solving a problem seemed like a nightmare.

"Did you hear about Nayeon and him?" Hoseok whispered as Jimin slowly got up with his book to go up front.

"Nope and don't care." He lied. Of course he had heard. Sehun told him right away and if he was honest the doubt was killing him.

He had waited for Jimin the whole night and he never showed up. What if it was true? He didn't even have a reason to be upset, so how would he confront him about it?

A guy up front stuck his foot out and Jimin tripped on it stumbling a little. The class laughed except for Yoongi and Hoseok who sat in the back.

"Stop that." The teacher told when she heard them laugh.

Jimin opened up the book to the page and scanned it. His nerves got the best of him and he looked at the page like it was a complicated word search puzzle.

We he actually reading what it said? This would be the worst time for his brain to play a trick on him.

"Jimin?" She called.

He looked up with a deep shade of red crawling from his neck to his face. Yoongi knew about his dyslexia and he knew he often confused numbers.

"This is so stupid." Yoongi blurted.

The class turned their attention to him and Jimin sighed relieved. "What was that Mr. Min?"

"I said this is so stupid." He repeated only emphasizing 'so' to the point the kids started laughing.

"Stupid huh?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, this is a science course. Why're we solving math problems? Aren't science and math two different subjects?" He smirked.

"Well," she said looking down at her book while thinking why the hell she decided to teach high schoolers.

"Since you think it's so stupid why don't you come up here and solve this problem? Come on. You can sit down, Jimin."

Yoongi shrugged and got up. Jimin quickly went to his seat with his heart beating fast. He couldn't put to words how thankful he was for this small act of kindness.


When Yoongi closed the room door he found Jimin sitting on his bed drawing. He quickly closed the notebook and glanced up.

Yoongi dropped his stuff on the ground and walked to get clean clothes from the drawer. Having Jimin feet away didn't help the situation they were in.

Hell, he wanted to grab Jimin and pull him in for the longest hug and the biggest kiss ever. He wanted to feel his warmth and hear his cute laugh next to his ear. He wanted to rip his clothes off and admire every part of his body. He wanted to make the love he felt.

But, he couldn't do it without hurting Jimin and that was the truth. What was the point of committing to him behind closed doors when in public they couldn't be something?

"Thank you." Jimin said. Yoongi froze and kept his eyes on the clothes. A few seconds went by and he finally looked up.

Jimin was looking at him with so much love and sadness it broke his heart. All he could do was nod.

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