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Jimin walked through the crowd of students to get to his locker. He caught a few people staring him down as he went by with smirks plastered on their face.

He looked down at his shoes and walked faster. He always felt like a strange creature that was being exposed for everyone to see and point at.

Why was it so amusing to make him feel so little and useless?

Jimin finally approached his locker and when he saw a pink slip stuck on it he felt his heart sink a little.

His hand slowly reached to take the note which had a disturbing drawing on it with the word fag written in bold.

He crumpled the paper and gulped down his guilt. When his hand touched the lock he noticed it was broken.

Then he looked around to find even more people staring. He quickly tried to get his stuff to go ahead and leave, but when he opened his locker a bunch of drawings and notes fell out.

He also noticed that they had spray painted inside of his locker with mean words. The crowd started laughing and some were recording like usual.

Jimin panicked and covered his face from the camera flashes. "P-please," He told with a shaky voice.

"S-Stop recording." He pleaded with his heart in his throat.

"S-stop recording." He heard in the background.

Jimin closed his eyes briefly. He never thought he could hate a voice so much. He never thought he could hold so much anger towards one human being.

And he had tried to be patient and understanding. But, everyone had a limit. No, maybe Jimin wouldn't fight back that didn't mean he didn't feel hatred deep in his heart.

"Like my presents fag? Look at this." He told grabbing an eggplant and smacking it on his face.




"Leave-levee me alone."

"Fuck no I'm not leaving you alone. This is the best part of my day to see you so vulnerable and weak. You need to be reminded how much of a parasite you are to our society. Look around, no one is defending you, because no one fucking cares about you."

"I said leave me alone!" He screamed back pushing him.

The students whispers got louder and some laughed. This only infuriated him more so he pushed Jimin back against the lockers.

"I said no you faggot. Why don't you take a look at the dick drawing in your locker huh? Don't you like it? Huh?" He asked shoving his face in the tiny space.

Jimin yelped in pain as more students gathered around. "Hey! What's going on here?" A teacher yelled.

He quickly let go of Jimin and punched him on the stomach. "If you say a word you're dead. Understood faggot?" He whispered and then walked away.

Everyone started to run away leaving Jimin by himself. A teacher approached him and looked around to see the notes and inappropriate messages.

"Jimin, who did this to you?" He asked.

He kept holding his stomach trying to catch his breath again. He felt nauseous to the point he could throw up right there.


But, of course he couldn't answer. He simply felt drained and tired. What was he point in telling?

The only punishment he would get would be two weeks of suspension and then he will be back with worse ways to torture him.

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