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Thanks @SOS_CornDog for requesting this

It was a boring day in the castle, nothing to do. Nothing... To... Do...


I yelled out, Link came barreling in like a Bakoblin when it finds a boar.

Link: "Are you okay, Y/N?"

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm just bored."

Link: "You gave me a heart attack. I though you were in trouble!"

"I'm sorry"

Link: "You're alright babe, so want to go hunting with me to spend some time?"

"Oh yeah! That's a great idea!"

We headed out on Epona along the fields and ruins of Hyrule, admiring the view, and the scenery was nice too.

We stopped at a river.

Link: "We need to cross it, Epona stay here."

We swam across and climbed the rocks up, leading us to a coliseum.

"Where are we?"

Link: "I don't know, never been here, I wanted to see what was inside."

We walked inside, a shock arrow whizzed by us.

"OH S-"

I leapt back, what was that?! Link drew the Master Sword and his Hylian shield, charging what was inside. I followed behind him with a royal bow equipped.

"Stay down Link!"

The beast turned its ugly head towards me and I realized something, it was a Lynel. We are going to die.

Link: "Distract it! I'll attack from behind!"

I shot an arrow to keep its eyes on me. C'mon don't die Link. The Lynel lost interest in me and was about to turn around, I shot an arrow at its knee

The Lynel shrieked in pain as the arrow sunk into its knee, Link climbed in its back and rapidly swung his sword.

We repeated this until I got hit by a shock arrow, I was at a quarter heart, barely holding on. I stuffed some food in my mouth and healed myself.

Link flew off the back of the Lynel, hitting the wall. I saw a fairy rise up around him. Thank the Goddesses he's okay.

I charged with my sword, landing in a blow to its chest. It kicked forward and knocked me down. Link ate his remaining food and shot a charged sword beam at the Lynel, the sword shattering in the process.

Link: "Oh no! Nonononono!!!"

He got up and ran towards me. I tossed him my sword and he took it. Charging the feral beast, and dropped its healthbar to zero. Killing the Lynel.

I stood there speechless. Link killed the beast! We ran out collecting the loot and avoiding the monsters above. We collapsed in Links room in Hyrule castle. Holding each other in our embrace.

"*Pant* *Pant* I L-Love you."

Link: "I love you too."

We sat next to each other catching our breath. When I could properly breathe again. I kissed Link, he smiled and kissed back. I lied in his lap, slowly pushing him against the bed. Shortly after we fell asleep.

I'm an so so sorry for taking so long, school has taken up a large portion of my day, those of you who were waiting on updates send a comment of what you want next chapter to be, as gratitude for being so patient.

Hero of the Wild (Link x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now