Chapter 11

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"Y/N..? Do you feel that too?" Jimin asked.

You stuttered a 'yes', slowly letting go of the embrace, staring at your left thigh with wide eyes.

Jimin's question quickly caught the attention of the boys, "what? What feeling? Is it tingly??" Jin asked, eagerness laced in his voice. Jimin's sorrowful face quickly flipped onto one of the most happy and giggly one.

But you sure as hell, did not expect him to strip his pants.

"HOLY-" you cut yourself off as you smashed your face with your two palms, blocking any view of the sudden reveal of skin. You heard soft chuckles and peeked to see who dared to laugh at you, "Hey! It's not funny! Do I look like a boy to you guys? Why do you even strip in front of my innocent eyes?!" You whined in embarrassment.

Yoongi snickered at that, "one, don't worry, we know you're definitely a girl. Two, he's wearing boxers so I don't see the problem." He shrugged.

"Still!!" You pressed.

"Yah, enough talking! Look!" Jimin beamed. You hesitantly took a glance at his thighs. "Damn, You're thicc." You blurted. "I MEAN-" laughs erupted from all seven of the men, two already on the floor - that being Taehyung and Hoseok. You couldn't help but let out a giggle at the sight, few shredded tears out of laughing while some couldn't stop laughing due to the contagious laughter, the remaining piled onto the floor, unable to find the strength to stand. "Hey, my tongue slipped." You giggled.

"I'll take it as a wonderful compliment anyways." Jimin giggled, finally calming down along with the others.

"That's the first time I've heard you compliment someone." Namjoon smiled, gifting you with his deep and cute dimples. You nodded slightly in admittance. "Yeah, I feel closer to you guys everyday so you can say I'm getting nice and cozy. Don't get me wrong though, I was never really uncomfortable with you guys - just nervous." You stated, making the boys smile at you gratefully.

"So now we know that-"

"IM Y/N's SOULMATE!!" Jimin shrieked blissfully, reaching his hands around you to pull you into another hug, but more tight. "Why are you so happy about that?" You slightly giggled, hugging him back with affection. "Why wouldn't I be? It's you!" He gave his eye smile. Your heart swelled with warmth. 'At least I make someone happy by just being me,' you thought with a fond smile on your face.

"OK, Jimin, off the couch," Hoseok chimed in impatiently, "MY TURN!" Shoving Jimin out of your embrace, he replaced himself into your arms, rewarding you with another hug. Without any hesitation, you hugged him back- well tried to. Your hands were locked in between the two of you, your palms pressed between your chests. You tried to loosen the embrace but only failed because of how Hoseok tightened his grip. Sighing, you let yourself relax into the warmth, leaning your head firmly against his chest.

Although this moment felt very sweet and affectionate, you didn't feel any tingles. You noticed the sudden change in Hobi's expression as his smile slowly faded into a straight line. Worry and anxiousness creeping up to him. "No tingles?" Yoongi asked, worrying for the sunshine boy's blank yet slightly disappointed eyes. He shook his head 'no', answering yoongi's question silently. You found your own smile faltering at his oddly quiet behaviour. "Hobi," you called out to him, showing a small smile of assurance, in hopes to at least bring back that bright smile even a little. "Don't think too much about it. Don't forget that even Jimin was in this kind of situation like.. 8 minutes ago," you assured.

Then realisation came crashing into your head. "Wait...," you mumbled softly, catching extra attention from the boys, including Hoseok. "I only felt tingles when I was touched or made contact with one of you guys at a specific spot." You stated, looking at the men's expressions to see if anyone brought the pieces together. You noticed the knowing and realisation that occurred onto Namjoon's features. "Ah!" He exclaimed in understanding. "I get it now. It makes perfect sense!" He smiled.

"Hyung, you are definitely going to be Y/N's soulmate, no doubt," he continued. This made Hoseok' head perk up expectantly, "go on...?" His eyes lit up with hope.

"You see, I just realised; Y/N is getting her soulmate's name only when the soulmate touched a specific part of her body. For instance, I touched her left shoulder. We became soulmates.

Jin Hyung touched her right shoulder, becoming her soulmate. Taehyung hugged her too, touching her back, they became soulmates. Then Jimin only became soulmates with Y/N when they made contact with their.. thighs." He lowered his voice at the word 'thighs'.

You blushed, "Yeah... my left thigh." you eyed Jimin who fumbled with the end of his shirt, smiling giddily to himself.

The others let out 'oh's and 'ah's in understanding. "That's actaully really smart thinking there, joonie." Jin stated. "Well, his brain does hold an IQ of 148." Yoongi piped in, agreeing with Jin. Namjoon shook his head and pointed towards you, "I figured it out cause of Y/N. Remember, she picked up the main logical clue here, I only pieced them together." He corrected, causing you to smile, "but, piecing the clue together is more difficult." You interjected.

This made him raise a brow, "really now? Mind you, if you didn't mention the clue, I wouldn't be piecing them togeth-"

Yoongi sighed, "Okay, that's enough. Both of you. Jeez, just accept the appreciation that you figured things out together and leave it at that, no? Thought so." He cut in, stopping the two of you from arguing on the silly topic. You and Namjoon let out chuckles at the grumpy Yoongi.

"Ahem." Jungkook coughed in, "we exist and, the test is.., y'know, yet to be done? Just a teeny tiny reminder, don't mind me." He grumbled looking away to hide his face.

"Ooooh Jungkookie~ you jellyy??~" Taehyung cooed at the youngest. "Don't worry, you're Y/N's dear soulmate too,~" He continued. Jungkook blushed, "I'm not jealous!" He quickly defended.

"Okay kids, lets finish and confirm Y/N's seventh and final soulmate of the day with hobi. I'm pretty sure him being eerily quiet and pouty means that he is running out of patience." Jin jumped in, amused at the level of immaturity his brothers had.

"Thank you!" Hoseok beamed. He paused for a second though, "one thing though...," he pointed.

"Where do I have to touch Y/N to become her soulmate?"


Oh man, where he gonna touch youuuu??~ don't worry it won't be ANYWHERE near the dirty
(Ya nasty)

Make a guess! "____"

~ bonnehh_

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